“Senator Kerry has been an outspoken leader for GLBT equality in the United States Senate. Most recently, Senator Kerry’s leadership was crucial to the advancement of legislation to lift the discriminatory HIV travel ban. … [Read more...]
Save the Date (Tues/March 4): Important Civil Rights Hearing
Here's an essential public hearing everyone should know about in terms of making sure Massachusetts is a state that truly stands for civil rights for all. Transgender rights activists are preparing to state their case for legislation that … [Read more...]
Why America isn’t America for Every American Family
Alternate title: Gay Marriage Protects American Families. Science Blogs' Dispatches from the Culture Wars brings us a story originally found at 365Gay: Janice Langbehn and Lisa Pond had planned to take their three children on a family … [Read more...]
Top Ten Cloves: Ways Military Recruiters Didn’t Realize They Were Recruiting Gays
10. Didn't put two-and-two together before they set up their recruiting stand at the Minneapolis Airport 9. Was optimistic with the number of recruits who indicated that they had experience in handling "big guns" … [Read more...]
ENDA and Trans Rights
But when I speak to friends and colleagues privately, senior members of the gay political/journalistic establishment, and just plain old gay friends around the country (and our own readers), the message I hear is far different from what I'm … [Read more...]
In Newsweekly (GLBT Newspaper) Endorses Tim Flaherty for State Senate
The GLBT newspaper In Newsweekly endorsed Tim Flaherty today. They praised his support for full equality for transgender people, and noted, "As a former prosecutor and now trial attorney, Flaherty possesses a unique understanding of crime … [Read more...]
Gay Bishop Compromises on Obama
Submitted for your consideration:Why at all? The AP brief yesterday had the gist with "The bishop said his endorsement was as an individual, not as bishop. He said it would be inappropriate to speak about the campaign from the pulpit or at … [Read more...]
The Fight is Not Over
Sadly, in Massachusetts, we're just aren't there yet with full equality. As Chris Mason reminded us all recently, our state's hate crime laws do not include statutes for gender identity. Therefore, the people who allegedly committed a hate … [Read more...]
Senator Murray: Do the Right Thing, Kill the Amendment
Cross-posted at Ryan's Take. It may be preposterous to say the Massachusetts State House is the center of the universe, but it's something a great many people do all the time. When people call Boston the "Hub," that's exactly what they're … [Read more...]
Gov. Deval Patrick Backs Down From Supporting GLBT Youth
I've just returned from vacation and am catching up on all the local news I've missed over the past 8 days. I just read about Governor Deval Patrick's schedule change in regards to appearing and speaking at the GLBT Youth Pride Day in … [Read more...]