SECTION 89. Said chapter 119 is hereby further amended by striking out section 38, as so appearing, and inserting in place thereof the following 2 sections: Section 38. All hearings under sections 1 to 38A, inclusive, expect … [Read more...]
Stepping up the pace, Gov. Patrick nominates three to judgeships
Here is the link to the press release: For more information: Contact: Kyle Sullivan Cyndi Roy Becky Deusser (617) 725-4025 The fact that Governor Patrick recognized the need to … [Read more...]
0.5% for the Kids- We need to Make Overrides History
How about "0.5% for the Kids" so we can preserve our local communties. If we increase the income tax 0.5% and hardwire the extra $1Billion for distribution on a per child per district basis so that all benefit, we can make it possible … [Read more...]
Open Letter to Deval Patrick on Casinos from Patrick Coordinators
Early in the gubernatorial campaign you captured the essence of the argument for tax fairness. By reminding people that the discussion about"your money" is really a conversation about "your broken schools, your broken neighborhoods," … [Read more...]
Governor Patrick is Doing a Good Job
In 2006, candidate Patrick spoke of the next chapter in school reform and the need for removing the kinks in the current structure and replacing it with a seamless version. Last week the Legislature agreed with him and passed his … [Read more...]
Gov. Patrick Lies to the Public, Legislature
Let's talk about the first part, that casinos are coming anyways. I suppose you could say that this phrase more resembles "weasel words" and not outright lying, as Class II casinos could be built. But if they haven't been already, it's … [Read more...]
Casinos: On Numbers and Pictures, Part 1.
So, we're stuck at this point - without enough information to make rational decisions about our state. There's no undoing casinos, once they're here, so it would be nice to know a little bit more before taking this plunge - down the rabbit … [Read more...]
Rally with Barack Obama and Governor Deval Patrick
In case you haven't heard, Barack Obama will be in Boston today, for a rally with Governor Deval Patrick. Where: Boston Common Parkman BandstandWhen: TODAY (Tuesday, Oct. 23rd) Gates will open at 5:30This … [Read more...]
To the Legislature: Reject Patrick’s Casino Plan
However, it appears that inevitably, we might just regret this easy fix to our long term structural problems. Economic development can also be arrested (a lot) by casinos, as smaller entertainment and retail businesses dry up trying to … [Read more...]
“Patrick Offers Casino Plan”
Just off the front page of Boston.Com[]Can't find the words for the disappointment. What a waste to spend time and money on a candidate whose words couldn't be further from his actions...reminds … [Read more...]