At this point all I can do is laugh when I think about how some of my friends on the far right were naive as to think that sensible Republicans in Congress had failed to heed the message of the 2012 election and the current political … [Read more...]
The Growing Revolt Against Grover Norquist
Two weeks ago I penned a short piece titled “Grover Norquist Collateral Casualty of 2012?” where I broached the question of whether or not Norquist would become a casualty as a result of the coming fiscal cliff negotiations and where I … [Read more...]
Grover Norquist Collateral Casualty of 2012?
In light of the election post mortems taking place among conservatives, perhaps no one is more delusional, with the exception of Karl Rove, than Grover Norquist. Norquist, a high priest of limited government, is having nothing to do with … [Read more...]
Conservatives at a Dead End?
Election day has finally arrived and to true conservatives the final outcome will probably be nothing more than a mixed blessing at best. First and foremost Mitt Romney is hardly a rock ribbed conservative, not if you base your assessment … [Read more...]
Mitt Romney: Conservative Trojan Horse or Political Chameleon?
What became of Mitt Romney the “severe conservative” who so assured the American right earlier this year that he had long since slipped his moorings to a moderate political past in Massachusetts? Surely a “severely conservative” Mitt Romney … [Read more...]
Sense vs. Nonsense in Debt Ceiling Debate
As the potential defaulting on our national debt looms ever larger and comes ever closer, there is a rising chorus of responsible conservatives who are speaking up so as to drown out the radicals on the far right who think that default is … [Read more...]
The Looming Compromise on Revenues
Against the backdrop of heightened political rhetoric among conservatives about not being willing to raise tax revenues as part of the deal to raise the debt ceiling, there is a growing acknowledgement among many Republicans in Washington … [Read more...]
The Tea Party, Taxes and Spending Cuts
A key goal of the Tea Party movement is the reduction of the national debt and thus the size of government via spending cuts. However, it is highly unlikely that the federal deficit can be reduced through spending cuts alone. That said if … [Read more...]
The “Citizens United” Decision – and the Kochtopus
The scariest article I have read recently deals with corporate spending run amok, and may explain where the Tea Party got its start and its money. This is a must read. I want to hear what you all think about this. Essentially, … [Read more...]