Steven Brill has a must-read cover story in Time this week detailing how the federal government's refusal to set rates for procedures, services and products means we all pay more for health care. I found this out first-hand last fall when … [Read more...]
An Open Letter – Gilded Mouthpieces for Big Business Shill Class Warfare Agenda for Corporate Sugar
An Open Letter - Gilded Mouthpieces for Big Business Shill Class Warfare Agenda for Corporate Sugar Daddies After that blatantly manufactured "statewide" report on municipal health insurance ("The Utility of Trouble, Municipal Health Plans: … [Read more...]
MA Medicaid Chief: “maybe a single payer would be better”
From Sunday's Herald: "I like the market, but the more and more I stay in it, the more and more I think that maybe a single payer would be better," said Terry Dougherty, director of MassHealth - the state-run Medicaid plan that insures … [Read more...]
My Little Black Book for Sexual Health Guides Young Adults Thru Health Insurance Maze
My Little Black Book for Sexual Health is a new user-friendly interactive online guide to help young adults navigate their health insurance options. This unique resource answers questions about finding health plans that work for them, why … [Read more...]
Harvard Pilgrim’s Medicare Bailout & Health Care “Competition”
Medicare Advantage plans were created in 2003 under George W. Bush and a Republican majority in both houses of Congress to privatize Medicare: it allowed seniors to choose a private insurance company to manage their Medicare benefits … [Read more...]
SJC rules on health care access: Step One: Health Insurance two step
Today the SJC ruled in Provencal, or the slip opinion link that if your employer offers health insurance, and pays at least 33% of it, even if you cannot afford that insurance and would have been eligible by income for a subsidized policy … [Read more...]
Patrick finally gets it…weighs in for the little guy.
American's enjoy a good show. Hollywood or politics notwithstanding. Great rhetoric and pontifical flourishes carry great currency in the American political mind. But once in office Americians take a very different view of their … [Read more...]
Does the Junior Senator like it when people can’t pay their medical bills?
Of all the legal trades surrounding financial stuff, Debt Collectors can be about as scummy as they come. In our modern consumer driven economy these are the bottom feeders that follow around the predatory lenders, credit card bankruptcies, … [Read more...]
What you don’t know about Martha Coakley and Scott Brown can kill you.
If you think healthcare doesn't matter you should know what Scott Brown would really do with it. The reason I studied what each party planned for insurance is that I heard about this: There was a company with 2000+ people. A 28 year old man … [Read more...]
President Obama’s Blog
The Obama official blog so you don't have to take my word for it. Very interesting where HE says He is coming from on health insurance. … [Read more...]