Unconfirmed internet reports put the date of a US attack on Iran at Friday April 6 2007 at 4 AM local Tehran time. Other internet reports put gas at $4.00 per gallon in San Fransisco merely because the thought of an attack on Iran … [Read more...]
With Friends Like These Who Needs Bush to Nuke Iran?
Mary Hess in her blog Tensegrities (http://www.religious...) points to a piece by George Lakoff entitled "The Words None Dare Say" at Common Dreams (http://www.commondre...), where Lakoff argues that the US is actively contemplating a … [Read more...]
Romney: Warmongering for Fun and Votes
He could be making strong statements supporting Bush in Iraq, but that would be controversial, and could cost him somthing in the future. So, now Mitt Romney is out there rattling the saber against Iran to make himself look … [Read more...]
“Americans can be educated to come along with what needs to be done with Iran.”
Those words were spoken by a presidential hopeful at a recent conference in Herzliya, Israel. Who was it?Mitt Romney, whose attendance and tough talk at the conference got lots of press?Nope. It was one of the "progressives" in … [Read more...]
Leaving Iraq and Iranian Medding in Iraq
In this diary, I will focus on the White House's concerns. What I have not understood is how the White House could assert that Iran has helped the insurgency since the insurgency has been principally Sunni. If Iran is going to help anyone, … [Read more...]
This bodes well …
From the Times of London: "Revealed: Israel plans nuclear strike on Iran."Israel has drawn up secret plans to destroy Iran's uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons. Two Israeli air force squadrons are training to … [Read more...]
Cartoon: Bush and Diplomacy
[Crossposted at Leftinlowell.com.](Edit: Cartoon concept was my husband's, by the way.) … [Read more...]
Guerrilla Vlogger: AFL-CIO hosts John Edwards in Manchester, NH with oreos
Tula Connell asked an important question in her excellent Labor Day diary. If Unions are so great then why don't more people join them? Today this is what employers do when you try to start a union: 92% of private-sector employers, … [Read more...]
Another “turning point” in Iraq
As everyone's heard, Zarqawi was killed in Iraq today. One less butchering maniac in the world is good, all things being equal. Bush's cautious announcement this morning is telling, of course; the insurgency's not going to disappear.Back on … [Read more...]
Dick Lugar — also not insane!
So Dick Lugar, a very conservative guy of some integrity who has probably seen enough BS from this administration, says gosh, maybe nuking Iran isn't the first, best option:Lugar, on the ABC television program "This Week," said it was too … [Read more...]