Proponents of the Cape Wind project cite these environmental factors at every opportunity. They also point to the positive economic benefits of the project -- up to a thousand jobs created during the construction and installation phases, … [Read more...]
Kerry’s Actions Not His Words
A few days ago, I wrote an article entitled "Kerry's Almost, Kinda-Sorta Leadership on Climate Change, Not Quite Enough" http://www.bluemassg... I stated that I support the Boxer-Sanders Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act as … [Read more...]
John Kerry forum in Natick
This afternoon the Natick Democratic Town Committee hosted a forum featuring John Kerry on the subject of the Iraq war. It presented an opportunity for citizens to question the Senator on his positions regarding the war, withdrawal, and … [Read more...]
Kerry’s Almost, Kinda-Sorta Leadership on Climate Change, Not Quite Enough
I'm challenging John Kerry in the Democratic primary because I think Massachusetts deserves real leadership in the U.S. Senate. I also think the people of Massachusetts deserve someone who talks straight and whose policies come from the … [Read more...]
Community Forum on Iraq with Sen. Kerry this Saturday in Natick
I just wanted to remind people about (or alert people to) the Metrowest Community Forum on Iraq with Senator John Kerry that will be held this Saturday in Natick at the Walnut Hill School. The event, hosted by the Natick Democratic Town … [Read more...]
Coal to Liquids
Charley called up my office to ask about my position on coal-to-liquid technology and efforts in the Senate to promote it. Let me lay it out for you here in person:I'm against it. Strongly.Coal-to-liquid technology is a step backward in our … [Read more...]
Help Wanted Sign Is Out
Now, some fairly small part of the job will involve the John Kerry for Senate campaign of next year, but that is not our main focus. John Kerry is running a national campaign (no, he is not running for President). More to the point, he is … [Read more...]
Kerry Approval Jumps Back Up in Massachusetts
[First, a cheap plug for my blog Senate 2008 Guru: Following the Races.]Back when it was unclear whether or not John Kerry would enter the 2008 Presidential race, his approval languished.Survey USA:11/22/06: 48-50 (-2 net approval)12/20/06: … [Read more...]
The campaign for our country
I wanted to call attention to the staff recruitment blogad that John Kerry has put here on BMG and a lot of other progressive blogs. We are putting together a internet team that will be based in Boston (probably on Portland St. or … [Read more...]
Do we get Senator Kerry back?
Their first reaction: censor! Or, more charitably, "we must protect the children from porn!" Senators Exon (D-NE) and Gorton (R-OR) introduced the "Communications Decency Act" in February of 1995 - a law that would've prohibited … [Read more...]