Which side are you on, Governor Patrick? … [Read more...]
On The View From Egypt, Part Five, Or, The Emergency Is Here
"My grandfather knew the exact time of the exact day of the exact year that he would die." "Wow, what an evolved soul! How did it come to him?" "The judge told him." --From "Plato and a Platypus Walk Into A Bar...", Thomas Cathcart and … [Read more...]
Betsie Gallardo: We’re Doing Great So Far, But January 5th Is Key
The clouds dispell'd, the sky resum'd her light, And Nature stood recover'd of her fright. But fear, the last of ills, remain'd behind, And horror heavy sat on ev'ry mind. --Taken from "Theodore and Honoria, from Boccace", by John Dryden In … [Read more...]
On Starving In Prison, Or, Who Gets Pardons In Florida?
"Forgiveness, particularly at this time of year, is a very worthwhile message for all of us to be reminded of..." --Florida Governor Charlie Crist, December 9, 2010 So right off the bat, if you're 21 years old and you're having sex with a … [Read more...]
On Death And Clemency, Or, Here’s A Real Christmas Story
"When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from … [Read more...]
On Actually Ending DADT, Or, “Could It Really Take Another Year?”
"You cannot eliminate even one basic assumption, one substantial part of this philosophy-it is as if it were a solid block of steel-without abandoning objective truth, without falling into the arms of bourgeois-reactionary … [Read more...]
On Asking And Telling, Or, 115,000 LBGT Troops? How Many Is That, Exactly?
"Dad, if I were you, I wouldn't tell that story. Now I have no doubt that there might be a lot of truth in it, but you know how funny these people are. You know you always used to tell us when we were children: "Never smarten up a … [Read more...]
On Saving Us From The Immoral, Or “Ready, Fire…Aim!”
There are those who seem surprised that a defective rattrap like the Mulford law could be endorsed by the legislature of a supposedly progressive, enlightened state. But these same people were surprised when [California's] Proposition 14, … [Read more...]
On Organized Fearmongering Revealed, Or, “Lock Up The Kids It’s The Gay!”
So first things first: one of the sites where my postings are to be found is The Bilerico Project, and over there Dr. Jillian T. Weiss has gone to the time and trouble of explaining the nuts and bolts of this ruling in a very accessible … [Read more...]
Republicans Intervene In Traffic Accident, Call Settlement “Shakedown”
The facts of the case are as follows: Ms. Maya Normousbutt, a resident of Brighton, was taking her kids to the corn maze and haunted house at Murray Farms, also located in Brighton, when her parked vehicle was struck by another car driven … [Read more...]
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