I spent weeks covering the Gulf oil disaster for the National Wildlife Federation, so to hear that BP thinks it can bully the Justice Department into giving it a sweetheart settlement deal? What's the word I'm looking for? Malarkey. I … [Read more...]
On Avoiding Blame, Part One, Or, Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Drill No Evil.
When I talk on the stage, people often have the impression that I make up things as I go along. That isn't true. I know a lot of things I want to say, I'm just not sure exactly when I'll say them. --From Lenny Bruce's book "How to Talk … [Read more...]
We failed the people who cleaned up 9/11. Will we fail the people cleaning up the Gulf?
In the aftermath of 9/11, we saw thousands of workers develop devastating respiratory conditions and other illnesses as a result of exposure to toxic dust that filled the air in the days and weeks after the twin towers fell. To this day, … [Read more...]
Republicans Intervene In Traffic Accident, Call Settlement “Shakedown”
The facts of the case are as follows: Ms. Maya Normousbutt, a resident of Brighton, was taking her kids to the corn maze and haunted house at Murray Farms, also located in Brighton, when her parked vehicle was struck by another car driven … [Read more...]
At Black Tie Ceremony, Feith Passes Torch To Barton
Respect to your great place! and let the devil Be sometime honour'd for his burning throne. -- Duke Vincentio, from William Shakespeare's "Measure for Measure". There are probably some of you who are thinking: "That Feith name is familiar, … [Read more...]
How government can regain its capacity to manage the oil spill
Why is this? Have we, in fact, become a “hollow state” in which public agencies have little ability left to do anything other than rubber stamp corporate activities, many of which seem irresponsible if not … [Read more...]
BP’s New Station WITH POLL
If you live in the Parkway, you probably have seen the new BP station at the corner of Centre Street and Belgrade Ave. The station was formerly a Getty station, and then a Lukoil station, but as a result of recent transactions, BP is has … [Read more...]
Failures all around
Going forward, we need to overhaul our regulatory framework and bring an end to the era where big oil companies call the shots at our expense. We also need to ensure that BP is held accountable for this disaster and pays every dime it owes … [Read more...]
Durbin is wrong: BP = “Broke the Planet”
Sen. Dick Durbin to the NYT: "BP in my mind no longer stands for British Petroleum - it stands for Beyond Patience," said Sen. Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate. "People have been waiting 34 days for British … [Read more...]
Watching BP
Will BP try to raise the price of gas in order to recoup the cost of the mess they created? It seems they could be trying. In an earlier post about abusive corporate practices, I noted that the price of gas at our local BP … [Read more...]