Buried in today's Globe was the news that the Mihos campaign is struggling for cash and has fired their communication director, Kevin Sowryda. According to Sowryda: A fund-raising appearance last week by Dick Morris, a national … [Read more...]
Patrick leading in Rasmussen Poll
August numbers: Election 2010: Massachusetts Governor Christy Mihos (R) 40% Deval Patrick (D) 35% Some other candidate 11% Not sure 15% Election 2010: Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker (R) … [Read more...]
You write the caption
Sometimes we can get a little too austere over at MassLive. So I invite you to have some fun.Write the caption … [Read more...]
blogging the debate
I'm blogging the debate over here:http://fray.blogs.masslive.com/ … [Read more...]
Deval article in The American Prospect
Here's a nice article on The American Prospect's web site about Deval. Historian Jason Sokol of Cornell writes about the inspirational effect of the campaign and how Healey's racist ads extend Massachusetts' troubled racial history. … [Read more...]
Predict the General: Win a T-Shirt! (repost)
Contestant Healey Mihos Patrick Ross davemb (Sept)3410524rollbiz (Sept)4111462TeaJay (Sept)3914452ShillelaghLaw (Sept)455491Peter … [Read more...]
Live from Deval Patrick Rally
Cross-posted at my blog The FrayA friend of mine who is supporting Deval Patrick headed over to the big rally in Boston for his campaign today. She called to give me a little report and left a message on my voicemail.I would say there are … [Read more...]
Blood Sport
Judging by the reaction of the Healey campaign, demanding apologies and accusing the Patrick campaign of making accusations, it appears that the only person who didn't quite behave predicably is Deval. If Healey had actually listened … [Read more...]
MA-Gov: Internal Healey poll shows Patrick’s lead cut in half after attack ads
Patrick's advisers, who would not speak for attribution because they do not publicly discuss strategy, said polling data from the weekend showed that Healey's attack ads have backfired by hurting her own standing among voters more than … [Read more...]
Predict the General: Win a T-Shirt!
Here is my second prediction contest -- predict the percentage of the vote for each of the four candidates for governor in the general election. As in the primary contest, your goal is to minimize the sum of the differences of your … [Read more...]