After another interlude featuring two of the week's biggest losers, we return you to the still-ongoing marriage debate.Loscocco is still going, making perhaps the most tortured argument yet heard today.... Now we're taking one of these … [Read more...]
ConCon: yes, we’re still debating marriage
After a brief respite in which you have had the opportunity to consider Curt Schilling, beer, and a blogger party, here's an update on the marriage debate:It's still going.Marie Parente is up now urging the "let the people vote" … [Read more...]
ConCon: marriage debate continues
Sen. Barrios (D-Cambridge) is up now. He's first responding to Travis's claims that he put the first question (also known as question 19 -- the initiative petition is question 20) on the agenda in order to derail the debate.... And … [Read more...]
ConCon: we’re up to gay marriage
There are two proposals on the agenda. The first is a legislative amendment (i.e., one that was introduced by a legislator rather than through the initiative process) which would not only ban gay marriage but would also appear to bar … [Read more...]
ConCon starting at 1 pm
Today's constitutional convention starts at 1 pm. Assuming that channel 44 is covering it live (as they usually do), I'll post periodic updates as events warrant. Here's the calendar for the session.If you haven't called your … [Read more...]
A lesson from South Dakota
One of the best pieces of news from last night's election is this:A ballot measure that would ban nearly all abortions in South Dakota was rejected on Tuesday.... The Legislature passed the law last winter in an attempt to prompt a court … [Read more...]
Reilly belly-flops (again): opposes repeal of the 1913 law
Is this old news? [Update: apparently it is, according to wahoowa in the comments.] If it is, I sure missed it the first time around. The Globe did a nice job of collecting the three Democratic Gov candidates' views on … [Read more...]
PRESS RELEASEJULY 24, 2006BRENNAN COMMITTEELawrence "Lonnie' BrennanCandidate for State Rep. 18th Essex www.lonniebrennan.comJULY 24, 2006Candidate for State Rep. Lawrence "Lonnie" Brennan launches … [Read more...]
New Data Shows Christian Right 180 Degrees Wrong On Gay Marriage in Massachusetts
"Dear Friends, I write to you today with a profound sense of concern...Barring a miracle, the family as it has been known for more than five millennia will crumble, presaging the fall of Western civilization itself.....For more than 40 … [Read more...]
ConCon adjourns until after election without voting on gay marriage
By a vote of 100-91 (roll call available here), the ConCon has voted to adjourn until November 9 - two days after the Nov. 7 general election - without taking any action on the marriage amendment. Seems to me that this doesn't really … [Read more...]