Well, I gotta say that this, which arrived in the mail today, was a disappointment. (Click image for larger view.) Look, I get the whole Worcester thing. But to go out on a limb like that in a hotly-contested primary? For … [Read more...]
Jim McGovern: “I am who I am”
Unlike certain deluded Democrats, Jim McGovern has figured out a basic truth about politics: if you stand up for who you are and what you believe, voters will respect you. The worst thing a politician can do, IMHO, is constantly adapt … [Read more...]
Press Release from Capuano Campaign:Worcester County Endorsements
"As our next U.S. Senator, Mike Capuano will continue to effectively serve all Massachusetts residents and fight for the progressive ideals we share," stated Congressman McGovern. "I have been proud to call Congressman Capuano a friend and … [Read more...]
MA Progressive Congressional caucus pledge Public Option
The 57 members of the House who signed a letter saying they would not vote for a bill without a public option have added three more to their number -- Robert Wexler, Emanuel Cleaver and Gregorio Sablan. Thanks also to Rep. Raul … [Read more...]
Two Men who Have Shown they are Serious about Leadership
Two men who have shown they are serious about leadership: Congressman Jim McGovern and Governor Deval Patrick. Is Rep. McGovern's act of civil disobedience getting arrested at the Sudanese embassy in protest of the genocide in Darfur an … [Read more...]
Lost in the supermarket: McGovern talks corn ethanol, food prices (and Hillary)
I asked him about what I consider to be the unconscionable shiftlessness and apathy on the issue from Democratic leadership. "I'm hoping that the Democrats, and I'm hoping that Barack Obama, will be bold and clear in articulating … [Read more...]
Feb 5th: Patrick & Kerry vs. Menino, McGovern and Legislative Leaders..Should Patrick Be Worried?
While the press has talked a great deal about Governor Patrick's impact on the presidential race both nationally and in our state, the primary in New Hampshire showed that Obama's people should be worried about winning here in … [Read more...]
Correction: Tsongas would have supported McGovern amendment
I'm making this its own post because I want to make sure this gets its own attention: On an earlier post, I repeated a report that Niki Tsongas would not have supported the McGovern Amendment for troop redeployment. That's not true. I just … [Read more...]
A big THANK YOU from Congressman Jim McGovern
I wanted to thank all of you who attended Wednesday's rally in Worcester for helping to make it such a great event. I know that Deval and Tim were thrilled with the attendance and the energy, and President Clinton called to say how … [Read more...]