There's a great story on the electronic front page of The Boston Globe today on which I'd love wax eloquent (and have) but I need to scoot into Cambridge.:Massachusetts back in RGGI after Romney yanked us out!! (my headline, not … [Read more...]
That Debate Ain’t Worth A Bucket of Warm Mitt.
You get Mitt for President and you get hacks all the way down. Just as Mitt weakly opposed excessive sick leave cash-outs by Massport, he can be expectedly to overlook waste in the executive branch. Mitt as President will leave … [Read more...]
Questions about the Handover
I heard something on the news tonight about there being a change from "tradition" in the handover of the statehouse tokens of power from one governor to the next and the inauguaration. I heard that Mitt Romney will give up the … [Read more...]
Mitt: NYO Story on Mitt Selling Out
It seemed a perfect illustration of why the state's independent suburbanites had flocked to Mr. Romney: A machine Democrat would have made a patronage pick, while a right-winger would have sought out a James Inhofe clone. Mr. Foy … [Read more...]
Romney submits the Community College paperwork
Following up on my previous post, just got word that Mitt Romney has now submitted the paperwork to move forward on funding the MCCC contract with the Community Colleges. Last I heard, at least one campus had voted to go on Work To … [Read more...]
WashPo & NYTimes: Climate Change Fat Lady Sings?
Also seen at Truth & ProgressFrom today's Washington Post, Energy Firms Come to Terms with Climate Change. The fat lady has is singing away today: Exxon Mobil is contemplating dropping funding to climate skeptic think tanks and … [Read more...]
Romney screws the community colleges
I hope people here at BMG will support the MCCC union, and speak out against what Romney has done to us. Last time he failed to fund a negotiated contract, he said it was because it had been negotiated under the previous … [Read more...]
More Romney Hypocrisy
Yesterday, Mitt Romney was on the steps of the Statehouse insisting that voters be given a chance to decide the marriage discrimination amendment.So what does he do? Denies Massachusetts voters, who actually made a choice, the … [Read more...]
EJ Dionne Opines on MA Politics, Patrick vs. Healy
While Dionne offers little new insight for those of us who follow MA politics daily, it is refreshing to step back and appreciate how much interesting political drama is generated here in our relatively-small state.What I find most exciting … [Read more...]
Guerrilla Vlogger: Sunday in the park with Deval.
During the Democratic Primary Debate last month Deval Patrick told Bob Oakes that he "will be called everything, but a child of God" before this thing is over. Video A Child of God (1:38) At the time I was hoping it was just a snappy line … [Read more...]