First a recap from Part 1 and Part 2 ...Some stats on the current hunger situation in the country. In 2005, 37 million people were in poverty including 12.9 million children under the age of 18 yet less than 4 million of those children … [Read more...]
Vlog: Hunger in America – Merrimack Valley Food Bank Part 2
Everyone that I talked to for this project wanted me to let you know that the need is greatest at this time of year because of the cost of home heating. People in this industry, the clients and providers, are in a state of panic to satisfy … [Read more...]
The US ranks near the bottom in child welfare, per UNICEF
UNICEF released a study showing the United States near the bottom in regards to the well-being of children.'s health is not related to a country's gross national product, according to the study.In … [Read more...]
Vlog: Hunger in America – Merrimack Valley Food Bank
Everyone that I talked to for this project wanted me to let you know that the need is greatest at this time of year because of the cost of home heating. People in this industry, the clients and providers, are in a state of panic to satisfy … [Read more...]
MA Residents Can Help Save Affordable Housing in New Orleans
Because you either live in the 4th Congressional District of MA or know others who do, you can help stop the demolition of public housing in New Orleans. What 4th District Residents Can Do Call US Representative Barney Frank to let him know … [Read more...]
Invoking President Franklin D. Roosevelt In Support Of Increasing The Minimum Wage
By increasing the federal minimum wage by $2.10 - from $5.15 to $7.25 an hour over two years - we are giving a long overdue pay raise to about 13 million Americans, which amounts to an additional $4,400 per year for a family of three. … [Read more...]
Invoking President Franklin D. Roosevelt In Support Of Increasing The Minimum Wage
President Franklin Roosevelt told us, "The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." The federal minimum wage has remained … [Read more...]
Guerrilla Vlogger: Booted at YouTube, the agony…
Update: I'll be vlogging the Edwards gig back in Portsmouth tomorrow so look for my vlog on the Town Hall event here in the next couple of days if you can't get up to see it. And as far as reposting, I won't be doing that here at BMG, this … [Read more...]
Guerrilla Vlogger: AFL-CIO hosts John Edwards in Manchester, NH with oreos
Tula Connell asked an important question in her excellent Labor Day diary. If Unions are so great then why don't more people join them? Today this is what employers do when you try to start a union: 92% of private-sector employers, … [Read more...]
Taking the plunge
My defection from the Republican party began when the horrifying images of the government's incompetent Katrina response were broadcast for all the world to see. It truly opened my eyes to the terrible poverty that so many Americans have to … [Read more...]