Mass Eyes and Ears points us to the Washington Post, where historians Douglas Brinkley, Eric Foner and David Greenberg engage in a fun debate (under the exceptionally grim circumstances) as to whether Bush is absolutely hands-down the worst … [Read more...]
Ted Haggard Day: Did You Miss It?
The press release (hat tip to Kvatch and If I Ran The Zoo) says:"Now, therefore, I, George W. Bush, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do … [Read more...]
Romney’s National Numbers
First the fun aspect. Romney has a 45.9% favorable impression, and 64% of the voters say that they don't know enough about him to give him a rating.In other words, at least 18.1% of the population feels favorable about him they … [Read more...]
Romney ’08: Not happening, folks. Move along.
Furthermore, we've got the Big Dig. Yeah, Mitt tried to get the 'Pike Authority under his thumb for a few years, and finally got it. That would have been a good move if he had been the hands-on managerial type we thought he was, and was … [Read more...]
Feingold is out for ’08
I heard it on NPR this afternoon, and Mass for Feingold has the statement he sent to his supporters.I want you to know that Ive decided to continue my role as Wisconsins Junior Senator in the U.S. Senate and not to seek the Democratic … [Read more...]
Romney’s hypocrisy continues to astonish
Kim's post says it all.Gov. Pot calls out Gov. Kettle?Posted by Kimberly Atkins at 5:56 pmThe governor, well known in national political circles, is catching heat for his frequent out-of-state travels and possible presidential ambitions … [Read more...]
Obama considering a run for president
Hmmm. Barack Obama has backed off his earlier statements that he'd serve a full six-year term in the Senate, and is now saying that he's considering a presidential run in 2008.I mean, I like Obama as much as the next guy, but does one … [Read more...]
Is this Smith dude on Romney’s payroll or something?
Back in August, I noted how silly it was for UNH pollster Andrew E. Smith to declare that Mitt Romney's weak 4th place, 12% showing in a poll conducted in a state he lives next door to, and has a summer home in, constituted "looking … [Read more...]
Warner’s out for ’08
Gotta say I'm a tad bummed about this. Kim points us to a CNN story reporting that Mark Warner, the popular ex-Governor of Virginia, has decided not to run for President in 2008.I'm deeply ambivalent about Hillary Clinton. I … [Read more...]
Romney “looking good” in 4th place: echoes of Joementum
In an amusing post (possibly not intentionally) at the Globe's Political Intelligence blog, the following is reported:Poll: Romney looking good in NHGovernor Mitt Romney, who's eyeing a presidential bid in 2008, is faring well in the … [Read more...]