Anyway, democracy is one of those paradigms that only works if folk participate and inform themselves - one of my goals is to spread the word to give folks the opportunity to get involved.Deb Sirotkin … [Read more...]
CNN and YOUTUBE sponsor presidential debate and want YOUR video questions
Here is the information:Presidential DebateThe South Carolina Democratic Party'sPresidential Primary DebateSponsored by CNN/YouTubeHosted by The CitadelJuly 23, 2007 7:00 to 9:00 pmCNN and YouTube are teaming up to host the first-ever … [Read more...]
Debate Watch Party – TONIGHT 6/28/07
The Democratic Debate is taking place at Howard University and being Broadcast by PBS stations, moderated by Tavis Smiley. The introductions are by Gov. Deval Patrick.Those with questions should contact Rose at the Mass. Dem Party at … [Read more...]
The Obama ad!!! have to see it to believe it! … [Read more...]