"In the latest instance of inflammatory outbursts at McCain-Palin rallies, a crowd member screamed "treason!" during an event on Tuesday after Sarah Palin accused Barack Obama of criticizing U.S. troops." "At a Palin rally on Monday, … [Read more...]
Blame the Immigrants!
The question is, what will immigrants be blamed for next? In just the last few weeks, it's been global warming, stealing elections, and now- you guessed it - the Wall Street meltdown. Well, this is your chance to weigh in. No joke -- having … [Read more...]
Absit Omen
If you hear the dogs, keep going. If you see the torches in the woods, keep going. If they're shouting after you, keep going. Don't ever stop. Keep going. If you want a taste of freedom, keep going. They're out there. We know they're out … [Read more...]
Romney and Rudy gin up religious bigotry at RNCC
But that's not what the Republican political approach to terror has been. It's a political winner! And as such, they want to create maximum fear, maximum xenophobia, because it motivates their crowd. Remember Mitt's … [Read more...]
New York Times bestseller? Scheisser! Then I read the editorial comments, Mark Steyn's America Alone is laugh-out-loud funny-but it will also change the way you look at the world. It is sure to be the most talked-about book of the year. … [Read more...]
Racism is alive and well and living on this blog
I used to practice law and I had several Asian clients. One of them came from Hong Kong. He was a hard worker and he loved America. He gave all of his three beautiful children "American" names. He was highly intelligent but … [Read more...]
Before you talk about the “race card” READ “I’ve Got a Home in Glory Land –
I was struck by the description of the 1833 "Blackburn Riots" that occurred in Detroit, and led to Thornton Blackburn's freedom. That may be because I was born in Detroit, and know the streets, places, and some of the personalities … [Read more...]
My Video on the Racism of the San Diego Minutemen
It turns out that after I wrote my post documenting the racism of the San Diego Minutemen, an even more heinous case of racism emerged. It was caught by Naui Huitzilopochtli (YouTube user nauiocelotl). Naui was a little bit … [Read more...]
Obama and NCLR: F@$! You Brown Boy… F@$! La Raza
I debated whether or not to cover Obama's speech. A put up a full copy of his remarks here. Eventually I decided that with hundreds of press people here, and more "influential" bloggers than myself covering this, that it would … [Read more...]
The Intolerant States of America
You see, the residents of the Intolerant States of America would have you believe that intolerance is now a thing of the past, popular only among the ignorant. In this limited worldview, the original sins of the Intolerant States of … [Read more...]