Mitt Romney has been holding "Ask Mitt Anything" events on the campaign trail. Yesterday, he reminded us that he'll say anything, too.In his 12th visit to Florida since January, the former Massachusetts governor was asked to grade himself … [Read more...]
The 2008 campaign’s first meta-flipflop
me'-ta-flip-flop. n. An individual's sudden reversal in position on the question whether the individual has suddenly reversed position on something.Really, you couldn't make this stuff up.Mitt Romney yesterday called his onetime support for … [Read more...]
NH Woman Confronts Mitt on Health Care
I appologize that I don't have the time to write a diary, but I thought BMG would be interested in this Washington Post video of an employee of New Hampshire's Red Arrow Diner asking Mitt (I gave Massachusetts health insurance) Romneyabout … [Read more...]
Tagg Romney Apostasy
This video -- portentously titled "The Decision" -- purports to be a Romney family gathering to decide if husband/dad/father-in-law/grandpa Romney will run for President. As cloying and fraudulent as this video is, there's one moment of … [Read more...]
Romney: assault weapons are “fun”
What a maroon this guy is.A [Manchester Union Leader] columnist quoted Romney thusly this week: "He said he's flown F-16s and shot Uzis and AK-47s, 'and they're fun.'"Asked if Romney, who never served in the military, has ever been a … [Read more...]
Living the Romney economy
I don't know ... I should have loved this column, which pretty much trashes what can currently be made of the "Romney economic record" -- in other words, how the Massachusetts economy performed from 2003-2006: Lost jobs, jobs and people … [Read more...]
Dangerous naivete!!
Our ex-part-time Guv dove headfirst into the Hillary/Obama talking-with-bad-people fray:Talk of sitting down with Castro is heresy in Miami, and GOP hopeful Mitt Romney, angling for a slice of the powerful Cuban-American vote, joined the … [Read more...]
Mitt’s the Underbelly of Politics?
Does the name Will Ritter sounds fimilar, well he's one of Mitt Romney's pretend police. Staffers were quoted stating that Ritter was one of the advance team members who wore the make believe badges along with Garrity. Well … [Read more...]
Romney’s sign problem
Should we call it SignGate? Or MomaGate?In case you missed tblade's post below, poor Mitt Romney got caught doing yet another stupid thing. He happily posed in South Carolina with a woman who was holding the now-famously … [Read more...]
Romney’s health plan: Enough to make you ill
Rare indeed is a law that can outrage both libertarians and socialists, but that is precisely what the new Massachusetts mandatory health insurance law does. Though it was touted by its biggest proponent, former governor and … [Read more...]
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