Gerry Callahan of WEEI does not believe that racism is a problem in America. EB3's foil, Howie Carr, howls any time anyone brings up racism as an issue plaguing America. Well racism in America is doing just fine thank you. In … [Read more...]
Ideas, the Republicans, and Us
The Republicans really do need Obama to fail. The reason is not that this will lead to Republican electoral victories, though it may. The reason is much deeper. The Republican party is committed in a fundamental … [Read more...]
A 21st Century Ghost Dance: Rush Limbaugh, The Radical Right and the Politics of Obstruction
In the closing days of the 1880s, beset by far reaching societal change, the Indians of the American West embraced a messianic practice called the Ghost Dance. The Ghost Dance religion, put forth by a Paiute medicine man named Wovoka, … [Read more...]
Limbaugh Keeps RNC’s Michael Steele in his Place
Limbaugh wasn't amused:"So I am an entertainer and I have 20 million listeners because of my great song and dance routine," Limbaugh said. "Michael Steele, you are head of the Republican National Committee. You are not head of the … [Read more...]
Revving Up The Kamikazes On The Right
In 1281 medieval Japan was spared a Mongolian invasion thanks to a massive typhoon that swept across Kyushu Island, thereby destroying the invading fleet and drowning the Mongolian warriors. The storm was deemed a divine wind or kamikaze, … [Read more...]
Top Ten Cloves: Things Overheard At CPAC
10. If you see McCain's mother, walk the other way ... She's giving backhanders to anyone that says they won't be voting for her son 9. What do we do if he does pick Bob Dole for VP? 8. Limbaugh's here ... … [Read more...]
Harry Reid attacks a private citizen
The Harry Reid " Senate abuses the people's trust and directly atacks a private citizen" letter signed by major left wing Democrats ( including Bilary) sold on Ebay today for over one million dollars today and was Matched by Lindbaugh … [Read more...]