Good gravy. Is there anything this creature won't say?ROMNEY: said the person is going to be in Guantanamo. I'm glad they're at Guantanamo. I don't want them on our soil. I want them in Guantanamo where they don't get the access to … [Read more...]
Wasted Lives
It's quite understandable. For a parent who has lost a child; ahusband or wife who has lost a spouse; a child who has lost aparent in that war, the pain is just so great. And there is theaccompanying impulse to at least provide … [Read more...]
Don’t let me hear this again
Once again I heard about a "story" in the Boston Globe that points out the hypocracy of Mitt Romney and his stance against illegal immigrants while he "hired" them to mow his lawn.What I find really interesting is the deliberate … [Read more...]
Death of the American Empire
I have spent major hours using this very moniker on political boards left and right and so far the longevity of my namesake has only survived left leaning boards. Google it, if you like.Now back to the destruction of … [Read more...]
Today, the Constitution Dies
Dear readers, We gather here today to mourn the loss of this nation's strongest protector, the Constitution. It had a long life and gave rights to millions of people who otherwise wouldn't enjoy them today. Perhaps that's why its enemies, … [Read more...]
BOSTON-AREA NATIONAL TEACH-IN ON IMPEACHMENT Sponsored by: The Center for Constitutional Rights & Bostonians for the Overthrow of King George!When:Wed. August, 30, 2006, 7:00-10:00 pmWhere:The Democracy Centerhttp://www.bostonmob... 45 … [Read more...]
Abu Ghraib commander speaks tonight at Harvard, tomorrow at MIT
From GEN. (Ret) JANIS KARPINSKI, FORMER COMMANDER OF ABU GHRAIB, TO SPEAK ON BUSH POLICY OF TORTURE AT MIT and HARVARD LAWWenesday, April 26: Harvard Law School, Langdell South 7:00 pmThursday, April 27: MIT … [Read more...]