In a recent letter to the editor of the New Bedford Standard Times I wrote about tax breaks. The conservative argument is tax breaks create jobs, but according to my studies it doesn't work. If I own a tire shop and I sell 100 tires a day … [Read more...]
National Thanksgiving Blues
"The long-term trend is toward a small group of financiers, chief executives, professional athletes, entertainers, and other earnings titans pocketing much of the wealth generated by society."After the largely forgotten two wars we are … [Read more...]
Republicans blocking unemployment extension – Happy Holidays from the Republican Party
Guess what? The party that brought you the Wall Street meltdown doesn't think Americans should be able to receive unemployment even while every open job gets five or more Applicants. THEY ARE BLOCKING EXTENSIONS OF UNEMPLOYMENT - … [Read more...]
Scott, We’re With Ya: Enough with the Fluff
Apparently Senator Brown has really had it with fluff. Addressing the Boston Chamber of Commerce yesterday, he said, "I can't go back to Washington later today and start working again on fluff, when we should be focusing on the very … [Read more...]
New Video: Governor Patrick & JT nailed the issues yesterday.
This video is a wake up call Moderates who are considering a GOP/Tea Party vote and to Dems who mamby-pamby the evil that the GOP represents. It is long, but worth every second to view. Sometimes it takes a while to thoroughly explain an … [Read more...]
The unemployment extension passed – anyone get a check yet?
So far, none of the unemployed folks I know who had stopped getting unemployment are getting it again. You cannot get through on the phone to workforce devcelopment, even at 7:00 AM the line says it is backlogged for the day. No one has … [Read more...]
On Saving 319,000 Jobs, Or, Legislation Keeps Teachers Teaching
So across my desk have come documents that report how many jobs will be saved by the House coming back into session to vote out H.R. 1586 and send it to the President for his signature. Long story short, after all the commemorative pens … [Read more...]
Conspiracy aimed at the unemployed?
Much of politics is manipulation of others to achieve goals. So conspiracies abound. They may be between and politician and any group or groups. Often it starts in the media. Often the media is tasked to change the … [Read more...]
Its Jobs, Jobs, Jobs! With poll!
Workforce development updated its page July 23 and seems to indicate that if you were receiving unemployment, but were cut off after 26 weeks and before 99 weeks you should "expect a letter". Note that there is a phone line, though, … [Read more...]
Unemployment update, veto overrides, and a request for common sense
Workforce development updated its page today and seems to indicate that if you were receiving unemployment, but were cut off after 26 weeks and before 99 weeks you should "expect a letter". Note that there is a phone line, though, to … [Read more...]