Here's an enjoyable op-ed by Keith Olbermann about fraudulent Sarah the Governor proudly touting her state's communist tendencies. I know David and other BMGers have continually hit Palin on Alaska's redistribution of oil wealth, but this … [Read more...]
John Kerry in Massachusetts: New Video
2: Senator Kerry's speech at the victory party at McGann's on September 16th. 3: Firefighters' Memorial. The first clip in the Kerry Report is an excerpt from Senator Kerry's speech at the Massachusetts Fallen Firefighters Memorial on … [Read more...]
“I’m John McCain and I approve this message.”
Watch out for the new barrage of anti-Obama ads from the Double Talk Express. (Politco reports that Al Franken had a hand in crafting these new messages.) … [Read more...]
Finally! Obama ad says McCain “lying”
Politicians lying about their record? You don't call that maverick, you call it more of the same. I like it. … [Read more...]
John Kerry Around Massachusetts: Video & A New Website
From a Kerry On Your Corner event in Worcester, August 18th. A retired fireman asked what Senator Kerry thinks about Al Gore's challenge to get off of oil dependence in 10 years. Senator Kerry talks about why it's important to set the goal … [Read more...]
Biden Flashback: “What do you say to those troops?”
BIDEN: We shouldn't be there, Chris. We should not be there now. We've got to get out of there. Look, Chris, on my way back, I was supposed to fly out this last Friday on a C-130. And on that flight, they placed what they … [Read more...]
Obama Quest – Why The Daily Show skewers the left better than right wing attempts at “comedy”
The third segment with Senior Black Correspondent Larry Wilmore was funny as well. … [Read more...]
Bush surveys damage
Tooo Funny! Bush Tours America To Survey Damage Caused By His Disastrous Presidency From The Onion … [Read more...]
Moyers Discusses the Myth of Black Emancipation [w/video]
Although the scope at which private citizens and companies enslaved post-war Black Americans is new to me, it's been well documented for years how much state governments reaped obscene profits from these laws through convict leasing. David … [Read more...]
Video of Edwards in Boston
I found this over at the John Edwards blog from vlogger, NC Dem Amy, with video of Edwards at the Small Change for Big Change event in Boston, looking every bit the Southern RFK. As a bonus for Boston Meetup people and OneCorps … [Read more...]