They tell us we’re dropping about $10 billion a month in Afghanistan so we can catch that Bin Laden guy...but eventually, we’re gonna catch him, and as soon as we do you can imagine that folks will be wondering why we’re still over there – … [Read more...]
On Killing Medicare, Or, You Stand Up, They Run Scared
Oh, my, has there been a lot of news since we spoke last about the Potential Impending Death Of Medicare: obviously we’re going to have to talk about the implications of Osama Bin Laden’s death (but we’ll do that another day), President … [Read more...]
On Taking It Back, Or, Wisconsin Recalls, Explained
"I will tell you this: Any business where two partners don't trust each other, any business where one party says, 'You need to do X, Y and Z because I told you,' is a business that is not only not run well, it is a business that can never … [Read more...]
Campaign Manifesto #3: On The Road, Defending Social Security
Sitting quietly, doing nothing, Spring comes, grass grows by Itself. --From the "Zenrin Kushu", attributed to Toyo Eicho I-90, the main route from West to East (if your fake trip begins in Seattle, as ours did), was closed at Wall, South … [Read more...]
Time to Turn Off The A/C At the White House?
As President Obama prepares for his meeting tomorrow with Senators at the White House to discuss clean energy and climate change legislation, he might want to check with the White House staff on an important matter first. No, not … [Read more...]
How to Change US Energy in One Growing Season
2. Continue with weatherization and solar community events. Cambridge, MA has been doing monthly weatherization barnraisings since the summer of 2008. Since then, at least 18 other nearby and distant communities have … [Read more...]
Obama slam dunk–if he wants it
Two themes--really, one theme, with the other in reserve to vary the rhythm--will bury McCain and put our folks in the White House. And you know them already, but repetition and discipline will elevate them into a winning formula. John … [Read more...]
A Crushed DREAM and Hopeful Youth
Anti-Migrant Hate and Pro-Migrant IntrospectionMake no mistake about it. The DREAM Act, the hope of almost a millionyoung people without a country, was crushed by anti-migrant hate. Anti-migrant hate that has taken over the U.S. … [Read more...]