UPDATE: Alert readers eury13 and Ron Newman note that the city clerk's office may not have rejected the excess signatures -- they may just have stopped counting when it was clear that Wilkerson had enough. So it may be that … [Read more...]
Chang-Diaz Chases, Wilkerson Hides
Wilkerson nearly did lose it two years ago. She didn't bother to get the 300 signatures for a spot on the ballot. She ended up in a messy sticker campaign, which Chang-Diaz nearly won.That's one lesson finally learned. This year, … [Read more...]
This Only Would Matter if She Were a Republican Congresswoman…
http://www.boston.co...Oh nevermind. … [Read more...]
Samiyah Diaz for State Senate
Dianne Wilkerson is, well, Dianne Wilkerson. She's right on a lot of the issues. She's done some good things for her constituents. But her already impressive litany of legal and ethical transgressions is threatening to get … [Read more...]
Republicans Jack E. Robinson and Samiyah Diaz request support from BMG readers
Jack E. Robinson, Republican candidate for the 9th Congressional District seat, and Samiyah Diaz, Republican candidate for the Second Suffolk state Senate seat, have both asked for the support of BMG's readers.Robinson sent a two-page … [Read more...]
Revisting the BMG primary endorsments…
Jack Robinson (R) for Massachusetts 9th?Interestingly, for a while this seemed the most covered of these races here. There has been an interview with Jack, and the candidate has also become a somewhat active poster. Personally, though Steve … [Read more...]
Chang-Diaz concedes Senate race to Wilkerson
The recount having been completed (or close enough), Sonia Chang-Diaz has conceded the race. Here's her press release.ROXBURY Democratic Candidate for State Senate Sonia Chang-Diaz conceded the race for the Democratic nomination for … [Read more...]
Want to watch an election being made?
Word is that the Chang-Diaz campaign is looking for observers for tomorrow's recount at Boston City Hall. If you've got some free time and want to (1) help out a worthy campaign, and (2) watch a really fascinating process, give the … [Read more...]
Chang-Diaz seeks full recount in Second Suffolk race
Challenger Sonia Chang-Diaz has announced that she intends to seek a full recount of the votes in her all write-in challenge to incumbent Sen. Dianne Wilkerson.Here's her press release:ROXBURY State Senate Candidate Sonia Chang-Diaz … [Read more...]
Wilkerson claims victory (again) — Chang-Diaz not conceding
Well, it looks a bit like Diane's got a better case this time: the eight districts inexplicably left off the original count have apparently broken for Wilkerson. Thus spake the Mayah's office (via Kim):The unofficial count of the eight … [Read more...]