NH-01: Bradley 47, Shea-Porter 42
NH-02: Hodes 45, Bass 37
Full press release (PDF) here.
“Historically, an incumbent with less than 50% of the vote in polls just before an election is likely to lose.”
Let’s get up there and close the deal.
Please share widely!
Hodes’ web site is http://www.hodesforcongress.com/index.asp.
The boundaries of the districts are at NH-01 and NH-02.
Let’s hope this is the GOP canary getting gassed. [No disrespect to canaries intended.]
If I ride my horse across the Alford valley and up the mountain on the other side, I’m in Austerlitz, New York, one of the towns in John Sweeney’s district, which abuts the western border of Massachusetts. Several Berkshirites have crossed the border to canvass for his challenger, Kirsten Gillibrand, who was given almost no chance of unseating Sweeney when she first announced. Now, after several scandals, including a recent report that Sweeney’s wife had summoned the police to their residence, it’s beginning to look like the district could go blue.
Just to the south of me, over the border into Connecticut, GOP Rep Nancy Johnson also appears to be in trouble, and is now trailing in the polls. A few months ago, this was only a pipe dream.
I love it! I’m surrounded by a wave of blue. Last I looked, Ned Lamont was still trailing, but, hey! given the mood swing we’ve seen, I’ve still got my fingers crossed…
Get thee to New Hampshire and work to get progressive, good congressional candidates elected there. Too oten progressive are all about process and forget that results matter.
Or if you really want to think nationally, come out to Michigan, where in addition to trying to fend off Republicans from the Governor’s office and the Senate, we’re trying to stop a ballot measure that would eliminate consideration of race and gender in any state programs. Check it out at http://www.oneunited… , and if you know anyone out Michigan way, urge the to vote no on 2!