NH-01: Bradley 47, Shea-Porter 42NH-02: Hodes 45, Bass 37Full press release (PDF) here."Historically, an incumbent with less than 50% of the vote in polls just before an election is likely to lose."Let's get up there and close the deal. … [Read more...]
NH-02: Bass Busted
[Posted with email permission from Ms. Akers -- full text is otherwise behind Roll Call's subscription barrier. She also gave permission for Raw Story to reprint it.]Phony Blogger BustedSeptember 25, 2006 By Mary Ann Akers,Roll Call … [Read more...]
Congressional Quarterly on NH-02
Via Kos, here is a Congressional Quarterly article on the Hodes-Bass matchup in NH-02. It's a neutral look that concludes that Hodes has a shot based on relative money and the district makeup, even though it doesn't mention the recent … [Read more...]
NH-02 Update
With a fundraising reporting deadline coming up on August 23, I wanted to fill BMG readers in on the Congressional race in NH-02, where Democrat Paul Hodes is attempting to knock off Charlie "Catch and Release" Bass. If you are so … [Read more...]
Meanwhile in NH-02…
Since we have ten Democratic US representatives in safe seats, a Massachusetts Democrat who wants to influence control of the US House has to look elsewhere. With the fundrasing reporting deadline coming up today, I want to remind you … [Read more...]