The "Andy Card controversy" on the UMass Amherst campus has suddenly been displaced by system President Jack Wilson's announcement of several high-level personnel shifts and a "trial run" of a plan to have Wilson supervise the Amherst … [Read more...]
OMFG! New UNH Polls for NH-01, NH-02
NH-01: Bradley 47, Shea-Porter 42NH-02: Hodes 45, Bass 37Full press release (PDF) here."Historically, an incumbent with less than 50% of the vote in polls just before an election is likely to lose."Let's get up there and close the deal. … [Read more...]
Amherst TM Votes to Bell the Cat
[the ADTC announcement continues:]If one may judge by their public comments, some of the 25 opposing the resolution in fact supported impeachment. They were apparently troubled, however, by Town Meeting's addressing a matter that they … [Read more...]
A Last Push for Out-Of-State Giving
If our gifts to out-of-state campaigns are going to make a difference, they have to be counted while decisions about spending are still being made. The Netroots combined page on ActBlue is making its final push tonight, to reach $1.5 … [Read more...]
Deval article in The American Prospect
Here's a nice article on The American Prospect's web site about Deval. Historian Jason Sokol of Cornell writes about the inspirational effect of the campaign and how Healey's racist ads extend Massachusetts' troubled racial history. … [Read more...]
Predict the General: Win a T-Shirt! (repost)
Contestant Healey Mihos Patrick Ross davemb (Sept)3410524rollbiz (Sept)4111462TeaJay (Sept)3914452ShillelaghLaw (Sept)455491Peter … [Read more...]
NH-02: Bass Busted
[Posted with email permission from Ms. Akers -- full text is otherwise behind Roll Call's subscription barrier. She also gave permission for Raw Story to reprint it.]Phony Blogger BustedSeptember 25, 2006 By Mary Ann Akers,Roll Call … [Read more...]
Predict the General: Win a T-Shirt!
Here is my second prediction contest -- predict the percentage of the vote for each of the four candidates for governor in the general election. As in the primary contest, your goal is to minimize the sum of the differences of your … [Read more...]
Kudos to alexwill: Primary Prediction Results
In June I posted this diary where I asked for predictions on the Democratic primary. (I offered a T-shirt to the winner if I got 20 or more entries -- in the event I got eight in June and one just last Sunday, so no shirt. I'll … [Read more...]
Congressional Quarterly on NH-02
Via Kos, here is a Congressional Quarterly article on the Hodes-Bass matchup in NH-02. It's a neutral look that concludes that Hodes has a shot based on relative money and the district makeup, even though it doesn't mention the recent … [Read more...]