The imminent acquittal of the corrupt, impeached fascist dictator by the Senate marks the death of democracy as we know it. It remains to be seen whether the phoenix can rise again on November 3. … [Read more...]
Worst fears reality
Todays Emerson College / News 7 poll confirms strategy of Trump / Putin to divide Democrats : Will you support the Democratic nominee even if it is not your candidate? Yes: 72% ; No: 13% / Depends on who the candidate is : … [Read more...]
Biden on the meaning of King
The night before Dr. King was assassinated, he stood in the pulpit at the Mason Temple in Memphis, TN, talking to two thousand people, insisting that striking sanitation workers be treated with dignity. In one of his final sentences, he … [Read more...]
HRC vindicated … again!
"This week the Justice Department determined that the lies that were peddled about me, my family and @ClintonFdn are without merit. I couldn't be more grateful to everyone that stuck with us while we continued to focus on the work. … [Read more...]
538 national poll average as of today
Having been a polling geek since college days, I have resisted the temptation -- until now -- of posting the horse race numbers. But with one month to go until the Iowa Caucus, here's where we are today: Biden 27, Sanders 17, Warren 15, … [Read more...]
Joe Biden on the killing of Quassem Soleimani
No American will mourn Quassem Soleimani's passing. He deserved to be brought to justice for his crimes against American troops and thousands of innocents throughout the region. He supported terror and sowed chaos in an already dangerous … [Read more...]
Pelosi is the smartest gambler of ’em all
As new revelations of 'Benedict Treason Weasel's Reign of Terror' abuse of power/obstruction-corruption unfold daily, think of how brilliant Speaker Pelosi's "HOLD' strategy is on impeachment articles. And remember the lyrics from The … [Read more...]
Bothsiderism lie about how parties are the same
Get ready for the fast approaching con lie both parties are 'corrupt' so you might as well just vote your pocketbook --- another lie --- for Trumpocalypse. Here are the facts. Since 1968, Republicans have held presidential power … [Read more...]
The genius of Pelosi
The Speaker of the House won't send Impeachment articles until she's convinced there will be a fair trial in the Senate. That's how a real leader leads. … [Read more...]
Time to play hardball with fascist pukes
The pending impeachment Potemkin Trial in the McConnell Senate marks the first time a Mad King will be 'tried' before a majority of his own party in which the jury foreman announced in advance he will find the defendant innocent of the … [Read more...]
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