If you search Google images for KERRY HEALEY BUSH or KERRY HEALEY CHENEY you get the same result.Nothing.No photos of Kerry Healey with George W. Bush.No photos of Kerry Healey with Dick Cheney.Nothing. Where are the photos? … [Read more...]
Favorite Crumbling Bridge & Anti-Muffy Visibility (WITH POLL)
As I was driving home on Route 2, I looked up at a rusty, corroded bridge. Ugly. If you're driving east from Route 128, it's the first bridge in Lexington.Here's a cheap visibility option. Stand on the bridge during … [Read more...]
Death by Local Aid Reductions in Gloucester
Here's the story behind the story. According to the Globe, the cuts were the result of a failed override.The decision to close the fire stations goes back to June 2004, when Gloucester voters rejected by a 4-to-1 ratio a proposal to … [Read more...]
Public Safety Cuts under Kerry Muffy Healey
Let's make a list of all the public safety cuts under Kerry Muffy Healey, the original SOFT ON CRIME - less cops candidatePublic Safety Staffing in ArlingtonFY2003 (2002-03) 45 officers, 10 sergeants, 58 firefighters--Romney-Healey elected … [Read more...]
Reading First scandal in Massachusetts – WITH POLL
Rep. Miller seeks education inquirySTAFF REPORTSRep. George Miller, D-Martinez, called for a criminal investigation after an audit found that a $1 billion federal program to improve reading among grade-school children was run by staff who … [Read more...]
Betting on Billerica
Must-read for political junkies. MassInc does an analysis of the primary vote, and describes where Kerry Muffy Healey needs to look for votes between now and November. HINT: Start in Woburn and work your way to the New Hampshire … [Read more...]
Wahhhhhhhh! I don't want to play with Christy! Make him go away!From boston.comHealey seeks 1-on-1 debate with Patrick to remove Mihos 'noise'By Glen Johnson, AP Political Writer | September 26, 2006WORCESTER, Mass. … [Read more...]
Second Place (Poll)
If Patrick continues to stay strong, the dynamic of the race could change to the point where it is a race to see if the Republicans can hang onto second place. Can Christy beat out Kerry Muffy Healey for second place? … [Read more...]
Graft, corruption in federal (and Mass.) Reading First program
September 23, 2006Report Says Education Officials Violated RulesBy SAM DILLONThe New York TimesDepartment of Education officials violated conflict of interest rules when awarding grants to states under President Bushs billion-dollar … [Read more...]
Poor Kerry Healey – new Mihos ad (with poll)
Did anyone see the new Christy Mihos ad on televison last night?I admit to turning on Channel 4 news to enjoy the report on the new poll that puts Patrick ahead of Kerry Murphy Healey by 39 points.But that got bumped to second place, when … [Read more...]