I understand how it's easy for a layman to say, "well yeah, why cant they just hold a special election?" But elections cost precious (municipal?) money. Multiply that times, for example, 351 municipalities in our state, all with their … [Read more...]
61,000 Facebook Supporters of Wen Jia-bao
Wow. 61,000 Facebook Supporters of Chinese President Wen Jia-bao. So he's up there in numbers with Obama, McCain, ranking 8th in total supporters, just after Ron Paul. Does he deserve to have so many fans? Does one need to be conspicuously … [Read more...]
Use McCain phone bank lists to call for Obama instead?
It would take a real jerk to do something like this. Those of you who have done phone banks before know that they usually have a script for people to read to the individuals that are called, starting with "Hi, I'm a volunteer from the … [Read more...]
McCain Campaign’s “Strategy Briefing” Powerpoint Presentation
I was surprised to see that no one had put this up sooner. Last year, I put myself on the McCain Campaign's e-mail list because I think it's incredibly useful to know what's coming out of their HQ, and I suggest everyone who reads this … [Read more...]
Nancy Pelosi for VP!
Although considering the line of presidential succession, it would be a promotion from 3rd to 2nd for Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi sharing the ticket is an idea that has been floated before. Yeah yeah, I know she represents the hands-down most … [Read more...]
eGov Summit: March 6th and 7th in London
There is a conference that a number of people who read this blog may be interested in attending. The eGov Summit is being held this March on the 6th and the 7th in England. Here's the websiteTaken from the conference website:"Transforming … [Read more...]