At long last, we're rolling out our Political Action Committee. That means we’re going to raise money and send it to candidates for office that we think worthy. We hope you’ll contribute – up to the maximum of $500. … [Read more...]
BMG PAC – a naming contest
Ernie and others have been after us to do this for a long time, and we're finally doing it. Fasten your seatbelts: We're starting a Political Action Committee. The goal, of course, like that of any PAC, is to help elect candidates we … [Read more...]
Susan Passoni for 3rd Suffolk State Rep
We favor Passoni for two reasons. First, she has impressive experience in the private sector as well as a long record of community service. Her bio says that "for 20 years, Susan worked as a research analyst in the investment … [Read more...]
Name your favorite Massachusetts progressives
We were asked by the good people at the Accountability Now! PAC, which was founded with support from the team, for a list of Massachusetts progressives worthy of support. We came up with the following non-exclusive … [Read more...]
Fourteen days. We’ll Match the First $1,500 in Donations! [Update: We did it in under 48 hours!]
Like we said, this year offers us both a potentially great president and a Congress that he can work with. Here's the catch, though: none of this will be easy, and none of it will happen by itself. You -- we're talking to you, … [Read more...]
BMG’s endorsements for tomorrow’s primary: Kerry, Concannon, Chang-Diaz, Sciortino
Your editors bring you the following recommendations for tomorrow's state primary. US Senate: John Kerry. This was not a difficult call for us. We applaud Ed O'Reilly's spirited campaign, and we are disappointed in Senator … [Read more...]
Tom Concannon for Middlesex Register of Probate — yes, it’s a write-in
Unfortunately, it's quite possible that Buonomo will win the Democratic primary, given the difficulties of mounting a successful write-in campaign. If he does so, he may face opponents from the Republican party (John Lambert) and the … [Read more...]
E Pluribus Unum
As many here know, we have tried to make BMG a place where people of widely different views feel comfortable. Raillery and badinage are our high Scrabble-value watchwords: vigorous debate, yes; foul language, personal attacks, and insults, … [Read more...]
We Sit Down With the Governor
We met for about an hour yesterday morning with the Governor to talk about the economy, politics, and the blogosphere. Here's what went down. Our Chief Executive was impressively informed, focused, and creatively proactive on a huge range … [Read more...]
We Sit Down With the Governor
We met for about an hour this morning with the Governor to talk about the economy, politics, and the blogosphere. Here's what went down. Our Chief Executive was impressively informed, focused, and creatively proactive on a huge range of … [Read more...]