Mine in a nutshell: pretty even. Substantively, Deval was mostly on his game; tonally, he never slipped. Baker was pretty good at his "I know how to fix this mess" routine while seeming less like a creepy android … [Read more...]
GGW, you owe me beer re: Deval’s corporate history
Goldstein Gone Wild, long ago, before the primary, in an exchange prompted by my impassioned defense of Deval's career and the assets it would bring to the general election, you and I bet a sixer on whether or not I was right to claim … [Read more...]
CBS 4: Deval leading by 25
Well, this time the Suffolk and CBS polls have come in with very similar results. It is very gratifying to see that sleaze and fear-mongering have only hurt Healey and helped Deval. A very good afternoon for Massachusetts and … [Read more...]
Thoughts on Question 3?
Recently, I got an email from MoveOn, as I'm sure did many BMG regulars, asking me to vote on whether the organization should support Question 3. As a matter of principle, I support organizing and collective bargaining rights, … [Read more...]
RoboAtwater? (Updated w/additional Info)
Updated this morning, 10/12, in order to add the last paragraph .Has anyone on BMG gotten a Hortonizing robocall from the Healey campaign? I just got an email from a friend which read, in part, "I got an anti-Deval message on my … [Read more...]
The Sincerest form of Hackery. With Poll.
P.S. For the humor-impared: The penultimate slogan in the poll is not intended to make light of the heinous act to which it refers. It is merely supposed to note Healey's shameless and cynical exploitation of fear. … [Read more...]
Deval’s New Ad
Edited lightly right after posting, to correct typos.Has anyone seen Deval's new ad, "After?" I think it's one of the best the campaign has done to date. It goes after Romney-Healey vigorously--Skeffington should find some … [Read more...]
No Debate in the Berkshires Tonight!
One empire, of course, is Time Warner. The perniciousness of cable monopoly is something familiar to media consumers everywhere. Cable companies are the folks who, knowing they have you over a barrel, won't let you choose … [Read more...]
LG: Who Helps Deval Patrick Most?
Andrea Silbert Pros: I've personally found her most appealing and if the strategic considerations all come out in the wash, I'll probably vote for her. (I voted for her at the convention.) She seems smart and tough, … [Read more...]
Which Candidate Killed JonBenet?
None, I assume. In fact, for once my post has--almost--nothing to do with the campaign. I write instead to call attention to the eye-opening blog of my friend, the lawyer/scholar/writer Alan Hirsch. An expert in the … [Read more...]