Hilarious. "What I love about New Hampshire and what we have in common is our extreme love for liberty," the potential GOP presidential candidate said. "You're the state where the shot was heard around the world in Lexington and Concord. … [Read more...]
Deval: Setti Warren and Alan Khazei “in for sure” for MA-Sen in 2012 [updated 2x]
A fascinating nugget in the National Journal (HT Bernstein - emphasis mine): Though Patrick said he had not been actively recruiting challengers for Brown, he told [National Journal] he has spoken with four potential candidates - City Year … [Read more...]
Barney Frank is running. For reelection to the House.
I will be running for re-election to the House of Representatives in 2012. While I would have preferred to put off a discussion about the next election until a later date, I have been asked on a number of occasions about my plans. In … [Read more...]
Globe post re-ups Elizabeth Warren for Senate
The Globe's website has this mysterious blog-like thing called "The Angle," in which Jesse Singal and Rob Anderson write about "stories worth talking about." I don't really know what that means, or who Singal and Anderson are, but … [Read more...]
Vicki Kennedy will not run for Senate [updated – WITH POLL!]
Sounds pretty definite. "There's no elective office for me," Kennedy said. Although she has said all along she isn't interested in seeking the seat her late husband long held, the speculation and the cajoling have continued. Now, with … [Read more...]
Capuano Forgets That Politics is a Team Sport
This is politics 101. Don't piss on the guy who bats clean-up for your team. Mike could vote against the compromise for all I care. However, long after the tax-compromise issue is history, this dumb quote will be used by the GOP, Fox News, … [Read more...]
Romney Lies on Leno, Commences Operation Stop Palin
The former MA Gov. must feel he is in a really bad position for the 2012 repub nomination if he thinks he needs to take shots himself at his Alaskan rival this early. As part of an attempt to land a backhanded attack against Sarah … [Read more...]
Scott Brown objects. To stimulating the economy and creating jobs.
Further to myteapartywas2008's excellent post on the economically inexplicable decision by Republicans generally, and our own Scott Brown specifically, to refuse to extend soon-expiring (or perhaps already expired) unemployment benefits to … [Read more...]
An open letter to the Democratic Party
Dear Democrats, CC: Tim Kaine, DNC Chair; John Walsh, Chairman Massachusetts Democratic Party Subject: An open letter to the Democratic Party Well done! This week you proved that by empowering volunteers to take the campaign and make it … [Read more...]
Hatch v. Romney
It's hard to see Sen. Orrin Hatch's comments regarding the "Ground Zero Mosque" as anything other than a slap right across Mitt Romney's devastatingly handsome face. Senator Orrin Hatch, a Utah Republican, said mosque proponents "have every … [Read more...]