Those words still ring true seventeen years later, when another "entire generation has come of age free to assume Roe's concept of liberty in defining the capacity of women to act in society, and to make reproductive decisions." I've felt … [Read more...]
“Zygote-Americans” Bills Making Headway in MT & ND.
The Personhood Movement from Personhood USA on Vimeo. … [Read more...]
Imagine the potential
I don't have much to add to this except congratulations, Mr. President. … [Read more...]
“Child-prostitution raids nab over 600” WHERE is the outrage?
Here is the link, you do not have to take my word for it: The story was buried on page two. 642 adults were arrested for supporting themselves in style and making money by pimping out children. 47 … [Read more...]
John Kerry’s hypocrisy on marriage equality and abortion.
First thing's first: John Kerry does not support marriage equality. I have spoken on this issue many times, but usually in deference to constitutional and rationale arguments. In this diary however, I would like to point out … [Read more...]
Valentines Day wish from Senator McCain
If you get pregnant, McCain wants to force you to have it. No matter your interest in or ability to care for it. No matter the devastation to your life and its. No matter whether the inseminator has vanished. No … [Read more...]
The Last Gasp of a Dying Era? Cardinal O’Malley Blasts the Democratic Party
The Globe reported:Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley of Boston, saying the Democratic Party has been persistently hostile to opponents of abortion rights, asserted yesterday that the support of many Catholics for Democratic candidates "borders on … [Read more...]
Sean Cardinal O’Malley testifies as an expert vs. the Democratic Party
Today's article in the Globe, O'Malley draws line with Democrats, O'Malley calls Dems a scandal certainly raises the bar in the canonical field of the red hatted pot calling the secular kettle black. His eminence is quoted as saying " … [Read more...]
Remember this guy?
"Massachusetts values." Ah yes indeed. From the Log Cabin Republicans, who remembered who said he would "lay keep [his] head low" if the gay marriage debate came to a head: Who is this guy? Do you remember him? Wasn't he MassPort … [Read more...]
Ann Romney Donated to Planned Parenthood
As the AP reported, Mitt and Ann "I'm personally opposed to abortion" Romney donated to Planned Parenthood.Mitt's response?Romney insists that while he took a pro-choice stand until a couple of years ago, he has always personally opposed … [Read more...]