Obama's aunt is here ILLEGALLY living in poverty, and is a deportation FUGITIVE. She's collecting WELFARE and has DONATED to Obama's campaign, ILLEGALLY! Obama. Family in poverty as he makes millions. Complete lawlessness. Giveaway your … [Read more...]
Honey, I Shrunk the Globe!
Bad jokes about the Globe's new "G-spot" aside, the paper is shrinking in more ways that one. I refer to the continuing dismal quality of its election coverage. Time was, a national election was a golden opportunity for a first-rate paper … [Read more...]
Globe Scores Again!
Talk about low expectations. I'm always excited when the Globe's national political reporting rises, however briefly, above the mediocre. Today (Oct. 4) was not one of those days. On the front page, Brian C. Mooney's story "Obama … [Read more...]
Blame Democrats for Mortgage Crisis
A letter to the editor in today's (9/19)Globe spouts a fast-growing urban myth of the right wing: that the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 (CRA) is at the heart of the mortgage/foreclosure crisis. The writer asserts, we should blame the … [Read more...]
Another Globe National Political Scoop!
It's an old campaign tactic. Come out with some news a day ahead of your opponent and lure a gullible reporter into writing a story favorable to your side. Sure sounds like the formula that resulted in Foon Rhee's story in today's … [Read more...]
Krugman on Healthcare: Aim for Mediocrity
Krugman on Healthcare: Aim for Mediocrity Paul Krugman's Times column today is disappointing on a number of fronts. He counsels the Democrats to go for the usual mixed bag of government guidelines cobbled together with private insurers on … [Read more...]
Globe Misleads on Middle Schools
According to Globe's own analysis, 80% of Massachusetts middle schools aren't making adequate yearly progress (AYP). What the Globe doesn't tell you is that this is pretty much the case across the country. According to MESPA, "seventy-four … [Read more...]
Joan Vennochi and the Masters of the Speaker’s Office
Vennochi's complaint is that the progressive bloc of the Democratic Party is apparently willing to let Speaker DiMasi get away with anything, so long as he's pushing our agenda. While I've been very supportive of him, I don't find … [Read more...]
Would the “overhaul” of DSS have saved Haleigh? So far, my review says NO
H4905 clarifies what the new agency, DCF, is supposed to do. This post is the first in a series I intend to do on the changes in the law made by H4905. For example, specific services to strengthen families are listed in Section 26, … [Read more...]
MTV Street Team ’08: Marriage Equality For All?
As a straight white male, I will always acknowledge that the privileged lens through which I view the world does not make me the best person to speak on issues like this, but I'm going to try, and people are free to weigh in through … [Read more...]
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