RALLY FOR BARACK OBAMA, SATURDAY FEBRUARY 10, COPLEY SQUARE, BOSTON @ 1PM. MASSACHUSETTS DRAFTOBAMA.ORG TO SPONSOR RALLY ON DAY OF OBAMA ANNOUNCEMENT.The DraftObama.org movement will hopefully have reached its successful conclusion on … [Read more...]
Boston Bashes 18+ Events
In a piece titled Further Civic Paranoia, the Weekly Dig writes:On Friday January 26th, the Mayor's Office of Consumer Affairs and Licensing issued a directive to all venues operating underage events in the city of Boston. It states that … [Read more...]
A surprising confluence
I don't think I'll ever see this again: Howie Carr and the Globe editorial board agreeing (almost).The subject is the late Jimmy Kelly. Both the Globe's and Carr's assessments strike me as fair, respectful, not whitewashes, and not … [Read more...]
101 Ways You Know You’re from Boston: If…
Thnx to Chasf for the electronic reminder of Friendly's frappes, Major Mudd (my 15 minutes of fame), and Dale Dorman's Creature Double Feature. Wicked pissa... 1. The Red Sox World Series win was, and will always be, one of the … [Read more...]
We've formed a new group in the last few days to try and save AAR & Jones Radio progressive broadcasting here in Boston.We have a group here:http://groups.yahoo....and we have scheduled our first meeting:December 27 7pm Panera @ … [Read more...]
Galvin: I’m taking over Boston elections
From today's Globe:Secretary of State William F. Galvin declared yesterday that he will seize control of the Boston Election Department because the city has repeatedly demonstrated an inability to conduct fair and smooth elections.The … [Read more...]
Polling Place Photo Project
As part of NewAssignment.net and the Polling Photo Place Project, I documented my voting experience at Curtis Hall in Jamaica Plain this morning.I voted at Curtis Hall.The workers at the check-in desk were very nice and recognized me from … [Read more...]
Hub Politics LIES Again
Where the hell do they come up with this? Well, at Deval's Rally for Change, there were some of the usual crazy people who came out - looking to get their cause on the camera. In years past, they would be Nader supporters going to an Al … [Read more...]
Live from Deval Patrick Rally
Cross-posted at my blog The FrayA friend of mine who is supporting Deval Patrick headed over to the big rally in Boston for his campaign today. She called to give me a little report and left a message on my voicemail.I would say there are … [Read more...]
Observe the Vote Count After Work
Boston City Hall, Second Suffolk vote count -It's 2:30pm and we've only counted 20-something of the 73 precincts, so this is almost certainly going to continue into the evening. Some of us (me included) have to leave, so if you can … [Read more...]