Those familiar with W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan's finest collaborative work, The Mikado, will recognize the title of this post. A few minutes into Act II, some of the main characters find themselves in a most unfortunate … [Read more...]
Why “we shouldn’t put constitutional rights to a popular vote” doesn’t work
Consider, for example, the process for amending the U.S. Constitution, which of course involves no popular vote -- Article V requires the concurrence of 2/3 of each branch of Congress and 3/4 of the state legislatures. If the … [Read more...]
Setting the Record Straight
The media has an amazing ability to fall for right wing talking points time after time again. Sadly, all too often myriad people buy into them - including progressives. "We just want an up or down vote," President Bush would say. Never mind … [Read more...]
Some thoughts on process
My position boils down to this: process matters. Procedural rules, such as those set forth in Article 48 which governs initiative petitions, are designed not to favor particular substantive outcomes, but rather to ensure that everyone … [Read more...]
ConCon: th-th-th-that’s all, folks!
The joint session has voted 109-87 to adjourn until January 2, 2007, at 2 pm. In theory, I suppose, there's no reason they couldn't still vote to advance the marriage question to the next session at that point, since the session … [Read more...]
ConCon: motion to adjourn
Rep. Rushing has moved to adjourn the session to January, and has been seconded. There will be no debate; the roll-call is ongoing now.UPDATE: A close vote in the Senate; Trav voted "no." Now we wait for the House vote. … [Read more...]
ConCon: question 19 still on the floor, and debate continues [update: Q19 is defeated]
Senator Joyce (D-Milton) is up. This might be a long one, since he's starting with a historical overview.... Shorter than I thought. Rep. Byron Rushing is up.... Rushing is talking at length -- expect someone to rise soon to ask … [Read more...]
ConCon: no end in sight for marriage debate
After another interlude featuring two of the week's biggest losers, we return you to the still-ongoing marriage debate.Loscocco is still going, making perhaps the most tortured argument yet heard today.... Now we're taking one of these … [Read more...]
ConCon: yes, we’re still debating marriage
After a brief respite in which you have had the opportunity to consider Curt Schilling, beer, and a blogger party, here's an update on the marriage debate:It's still going.Marie Parente is up now urging the "let the people vote" … [Read more...]
ConCon: marriage debate continues
Sen. Barrios (D-Cambridge) is up now. He's first responding to Travis's claims that he put the first question (also known as question 19 -- the initiative petition is question 20) on the agenda in order to derail the debate.... And … [Read more...]
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