I did some back of the envelope estimates of the cost of the fossil fuels we use in a year. The source of these figures is the USA DOE Energy Information Agency https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php But any mistakes in arithmetic are … [Read more...]
Solar Electric Power to the People
I like direct action, positive protest that has immediate, practical, social and economic use. That's why I say, Solar IS Civil Defense - light, phone, battery can be supplied by a few square inches of solar electric panel. The solar … [Read more...]
Zero Emissions Economy to Reversing Global Warming
Meteor Blades recently (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/09/28/1425368/-Open-thread-for-night-owls-Mobilizing-for-the-climate-crisis) wrote about The Climate Mobilization (http://www.theclimatemobilization.org) which is asking people to … [Read more...]
Thrive Solar®
On Friday 11/14/14, Ranganayakulu Bodavula Ph D, Chairman and Managing Director of Thrive® Solar Energy Pvt Ltd (http://www.thriveenergy.co.in), spoke at Harvard’s Center for Population Studies … [Read more...]
Occupy Sandy
http://techpresident.com/news/23062/hurricane-sandy-moves-occupy-wall-street-protest-people-powered-recovery A group of people from the Occupy Wall Street movement is collaborating with the climate change advocacy group 350.org and a new … [Read more...]
On The Emergence Of China, Or, Zhou Knew This Was Coming
After doing a bit of mountain hiking a few days back, I had a chance to get involved in a great afternoon conversation with the Alliance for American Manufacturing’s Mike Wessel, who also serves as a Commissioner with the U.S.-China … [Read more...]
Occupation: To Be or Not To Be…Coopted
(This is a cross post of course from LiL, but I am hoping it has bigger appeal than just my little corner of electoral politics. This is a big movement, with so much potential, I felt compelled to express my concerns for it. Slight edits in … [Read more...]
On Doing Better Than 50%, Or, Could More “Made In USA” Mean More Jobs?
We gotta grow some jobs, and that’s a fact, and we probably aren’t going to be able to do it with big ol’ jobs programs funded by the Federal Government, what with today’s politics and all, and that means if this Administration wants to … [Read more...]
On Speaking To Power, Or, When Sanity’s Gone, There’s Always Satire
So everybody’s hearing the news, right? There is a tentative debt ceiling deal, and this Administration and Congressional Democrats seem to have won everything they wanted: Republicans get to have multiple “we don’t approve” votes before … [Read more...]
On My Last Weekend, Or, Wanna Save A Few Trillion On Health Care?
So I disappeared for a full week, right in the middle of what should have been a busy writing schedule, and I have to claim some “personal days” to cover the time we missed here at the blog – but it won’t be time entirely … [Read more...]