BIG MISTAKE MANY MAKE RELY ON HORN INSTEAD OF BRAKE BURMA SHAVE --Actual "Burma Shave" Message, 1945, from "Verse By The Side of the Road", Frank Rowsome, Jr. So here's the dish: a limited partnership corporation called The Blackstone … [Read more...]
On Social Security Investment, Or, What About Chile?
"Of what avail are any laws, where money rules alone, Where Poverty can never win its cases? Detractors of the times, who bear the Cynic's scrip, are known To often sell the truth, … [Read more...]
On Avoiding Blame, Part One, Or, Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Drill No Evil.
When I talk on the stage, people often have the impression that I make up things as I go along. That isn't true. I know a lot of things I want to say, I'm just not sure exactly when I'll say them. --From Lenny Bruce's book "How to Talk … [Read more...]
I learned of this series through Jan Chipchase, formerly of Nokia and presently with Frog Design, His presentation http://designmind.frogdesign.c... - text and slides - … [Read more...]
When the left supported growth
...historically the left were supportive of growth and mass prosperity, but today 'most self-proclaimed radicals emphasise the need to impose limits on consumption and economic growth'. In the preface, Ben-Ami aligns himself with the … [Read more...]
On Taming The Financial Beast, Or, Sausage Gets Made, You Get To Watch
Two cows are standing in a field. One says to the other, "What do you think about this mad cow disease?" "What do I care?" says the other, "I'm a helicopter." --From "Plato and a Platypus Walk Into a Bar", Thomas Cathcart and Daniel … [Read more...]
The Columnist, the Pollster, and Me
Porter asked about deficits, of course, and Broder wondered whether the prospective savings from reform would show up and how soon. Rasmussen answered some questions and had some colloquy with Broder and others over polling numbers. … [Read more...]
Acton, MA – “A Green Economy: Legislation, Regulation, and Citizen Action”
All who are interested: "A Green Economy: Legislation, Regulation, and Citizen Action" Hosted by: Acton Democratic Town Committee, Senator Jamie Eldridge & State Rep. Cory Atkins Jim Snyder-Grant, Co-Founder Green Acton What a green … [Read more...]
Economics 101: Why I now believe it is time to nationalize our Banks
Ok maybe you got a clue from the title but if you missed it here are the details. It seems Citigroup was concerned about not having enough corporate jets to satisfy their executives so with a portion of the bail out money they received in … [Read more...]
Stig-litz! Stig-litz!
Well, it may not matter so much that the Nobel Prize winner isn't on the Council of Economic Advisors (although it is a little strange); what matters is that people acknowledge that he's right. In Vanity Fair:Greenspan played a … [Read more...]