A group of leaders from organizations in Massachusetts ( MA Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition, Irish Immigration Center, Association of Haitian Women and the Alliance to Develop Power) and New Hampshire (Granite State Organizing … [Read more...]
Dem primary: Obvious thought of the day
In spite of the apparently genial relationship between the two campaigns, it's pretty clear that Obama and Edwards are fighting over the same voters: Obama's got the pre-Iraq war opposition cred; Edwards has worked hard to be the … [Read more...]
You know what this race needs? Brackets.
No, I haven't read "The Enlightened Bracketologist", but inspired by Nicholas's suggestion that we chuck the cattle call debate format, why don't we divide the Democratic presidential field up into brackets? Why the … [Read more...]
Elizabeth Edwards meets MA bloggers in NH
Elizabeth Edwards met some of our fabulous MA lefty-bloggers this morning. Neither David, Bob, nor I could make it (this is why, at least for David and me), but Lynne of Left in Lowell and Susan of Below Boston were able to make it, and … [Read more...]
Why Edwards is compelling
John Edwards correctly identifies the original sin of our political culture:The private contractors [e.g. Blackwater] are Exhibit A of the corruption in Washington that Edwards emphasized in the question-and-answer session. For him, … [Read more...]
Edwards courts the young vote. Sort of.
The Globe reports that John Edwards has just laid out ... wait for it ... a 10-point plan! This one is "designed to appeal to young voters." It focuses on college aid, global warming, Darfur, all that stuff. Here's … [Read more...]
A “seminal moment” for Edwards?
I have a stylistic criticism with John Edwards' response, which I mean to be constructive since I think he's basically on the right side of most things. His response to this woman's story is to immediately have it reflect back on him, the … [Read more...]
Trippi psychoanalyzes Rove. Or: how to make your head hurt.
An amusing memo just in from Joe Trippi at John Edwards Central:STRATEGY MEMORANDUMTo: Interested PartiesFrom: Joe TrippiRe: Karl Rove's Worst NightmareYou may have seen Karl Rove's recent attacks on Hillary Clinton in the news. This is a … [Read more...]
LOGO Forum Snippets and Snipes
Barack ObamaBizarrely enough, expected listeners to believe that chiding a group of anti-gay Black ministers is all the equality cred he needs. I specifically talked about the degree to which the nation of gay marriage in Black … [Read more...]
What the MSM had to say about the YearlyKos Convention
Here is the link: http://news.bostonhe...This story is worth reading as much for what it does not say as for what it says. Obviously, the Boston Herald AP was there and paying attention. (clarification by David)In the interests … [Read more...]