Now, I know the liberals know a little bit about what this is like, with their insane Bush-hatred syndrome. But I think the Hillary-revulsion is different in some way - Bush hatred was around after 2000 for sure but it was really … [Read more...]
The Des Moines Register Endorses Hillary Clinton and John McCain
The Des Moines Register has endorsed Hillary Clinton and John McCain for their parties' nominations. The Des Moines Register is well-respected and an influential paper in Iowa so this is big news for Hillary Clinton. Even … [Read more...]
You know what this race needs? Brackets.
No, I haven't read "The Enlightened Bracketologist", but inspired by Nicholas's suggestion that we chuck the cattle call debate format, why don't we divide the Democratic presidential field up into brackets? Why the … [Read more...]
Hillary will oppose Mukasey
Hey, good stuff. Thanks Hillary:"We cannot send a signal that the next attorney general in any way condones torture or believes that the president is unconstrained by law," said Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York.The Democratic … [Read more...]
Obama Not Descendent from Sheep
My partner unearthed this wonderful little joke going around the internet. I say it is another reason to be for Obama. She says I shouldn't post it out of respect for Howard Dean. Whatever... Subject: July 8, 1947Many will … [Read more...]
With Friends Like These Who Needs Bush to Nuke Iran?
Mary Hess in her blog Tensegrities (http://www.religious...) points to a piece by George Lakoff entitled "The Words None Dare Say" at Common Dreams (http://www.commondre...), where Lakoff argues that the US is actively contemplating a … [Read more...]
Why HIllary Clinton Will Win: Chapter 2.
Because they like her in Ohio, at least that is what the latest Quinnipiac Poll found. (In the interest of full disclosure, I found this out by looking at her website.) Granted it is a "razor thin lead" over Republicans, but … [Read more...]