Edwards delivered his new remarks in an old fashioned New England Town Hall packed with at least 400 people maybe more and another 60 or so kids from nearby Phillips Exeter Academy sat upstairs in the balcony. We were all in a happy mood … [Read more...]
New Edwards for President Radio Ad by Friends of the Earth Launched Today in NH
Environmental Group's John Edwards Advertisement Airs TodayBy Brandon Keim October 25, 2007 | 12:15:01 PMCategories: Energy, Environment, Politics A Friends of the Earth-produced radio advertisement endorsing Democratic presidential … [Read more...]
[Update] Video: “Friends of the Earth” endorses John Edwards in NH
[UPDATE]: From the comments section: Friends of the Earth supports Cape Wind Both Candidates for MA 5th District Support Cape Wind for interested voters in the big race we have upcoming. First a bit about the group: Friends of the … [Read more...]
How SEIU Early State Endorsements Are Likely to Play Out
So, as a short follow up to yesterday's post on the decision by SEIU to be neutral at a national level and let its state-level organizations make up their own minds, here's some intel on where at least one insider believes states might go. … [Read more...]
John Edwards: Al Gore Was Right
He then laid out his agenda to fight global warming. He proposes to impose an auction, cap and trade system on carbon emissions that gradually decreases the cap, reducing greenhouse pollution by 80% by 2050. The auction part is key … [Read more...]
John Edwards in Massachusetts, tonight, 10/3/07
Former Attorney Scott Harshbarger is hosting an campaign networking and fundraising event in Boston that will be attended by John Edwards - TONIGHT, 10/3/07.The event will be at "The Harvard Club, Main Dining Room, One Federal Street, 38th … [Read more...]
How Edwards Can Win Over Small Business Owners
In July, former Senator Edwards gave a long, wide-ranging, very good interview to BusinessWeek. Here's the one section where he talks about the issue:What we're going to do is restore balance in the credit-card market. I am proposing a … [Read more...]
John Edward’s speech on counter terrorism – a link
Here is the link: http://bostonforedwards.com/The post is "John Edwards, anything but defensive."The post discussed and provides a video about the "Counter Terrorism Treaty Organization" . This is a totally different, and I … [Read more...]
Guerrilla vlogger: Edwards in Portsmouth
Video: John Edwards in Portsmouth: Intro (5:22) Elias is a Korean War veteran and he's an active advocate for vet issues. He introduces Elizabeth in this clip and tells us why he's supporting Edwards for President. This clip also contains … [Read more...]
Local Edwards supporters launch blog
I hope you check it out - I think that Andrew has done set up a comprehensive blog with really active Edwards campaign links. See: http://bostonforedwa... … [Read more...]