Mike and I had Marc Solomon on as a special guest for this week's LeftAhead! podcast. If anyone is curious about what MassEquality is up to, or about the status of glbt rights across the country, you should listen in. As it happens, … [Read more...]
“Traditional” Same-Sex Unions in Medieval Europe
Live Science reports:Civil unions between male couples existed around 600 years ago in medieval Europe....[Professor Allan Tulchin] found legal contracts from late medieval France that referred to the term "affrèrement," roughly translated … [Read more...]
Gay Bishop Compromises on Obama
Submitted for your consideration:Why at all? The AP brief yesterday had the gist with "The bishop said his endorsement was as an individual, not as bishop. He said it would be inappropriate to speak about the campaign from the pulpit or at … [Read more...]
The Fight is Not Over
Sadly, in Massachusetts, we're just aren't there yet with full equality. As Chris Mason reminded us all recently, our state's hate crime laws do not include statutes for gender identity. Therefore, the people who allegedly committed a hate … [Read more...]
Ed O’Reilly Supports Marriage Equality
Yesterday was a great day for the many people who worked so long and hard for marriage equality to finally take a deep breath and enjoy equality in every sense of the word. It was also a great day for all of Massachusetts because we looked … [Read more...]
Those who switched to support marriage equality
The Globe has the list of legislators who originally voted against marriage equality but came around and voted against the amendment today:RepresentativesChristine Canavan, D-BrocktonPaul Kujawski, D-WebsterPaul Loscocco, R-HollistonRobert … [Read more...]
From the CA Assembly Floor
"Why would we want government dictating affairs of the heart?"-Mark Leno, D-San Francisco"How many times in legislatures across the country have debates come up where things were happening that were historic? And we may be in the middle of … [Read more...]
Senator Murray: Do the Right Thing, Kill the Amendment
Cross-posted at Ryan's Take. It may be preposterous to say the Massachusetts State House is the center of the universe, but it's something a great many people do all the time. When people call Boston the "Hub," that's exactly what they're … [Read more...]
The End Cannot Come Soon Enough
How unfortunate that the threshold for survival of the anti-gay forces is so low. In this case, a large majority of the public and 75% of the legislature doesn't even want to give these folk a shot at continuing their quest to strip … [Read more...]
Marriage Equality – My View
Americans have a proud history of sharing the benefits of citizenship, though learning to share hasn't always been easy. My ancestors were told "No Irish need apply" when they sought jobs, people once kept slaves, and some of you may … [Read more...]