Tuesday, the United Independent Party announced that it has officially partnered with Yes On 1, the organization that led the anti-gas tax initiative last year, to run a campaign for a ballot question that would protect taxpayers from the … [Read more...]
Marty Walsh thinks First Night is too big for the City to run
After Mayor Menino rescued the annual First Night celebrations, it appears that Mayor Walsh wants to get out of the responsibility of First Night essentially because it is too difficult: “We are not in the business of running events like … [Read more...]
Sorry, No Boston Olympics: The Money’s On The Other Side
You No Boston Olympics people think you can stop Boston 2024 just because public support is cratering and there are a hundred other things on which we could better spend those billions? Things like "logic" and "the public good" go out … [Read more...]
Not so fast, Olympics boosters
It’s not showtime yet, but auditions are underway for the big stage of the 2024 Summer Games here in our wee burg of Boston. Somehow Boston edged our the U.S. competition to become the USOC pick. Now of course, it will go up against … [Read more...]
Boston Olympics as Development Stalking Horse?
Went to see Evan Falchuk talk at The Humanist Hub in Harvard Square on Sunday. Wanted to ask him about running a political campaign as a practical, grassroots organizing venture where you leave something active behind whether you win or … [Read more...]
Consultants, Contractors Won’t Let Their Boston Olympics Dreams Die
Bringing the Olympics to Boston has been talked about my entire life, but despite decades of discussion, there's still little to no public groundswell of support for the idea. So why does the legislature still have a committee … [Read more...]
Guardian UK notes good news and bad news for Team Romney and Rafalca
"Ann Romney's horse fails to win dressage but avoids offending British" declares the headline in the Guardian UK's coverage of Stephen Colbert's sport of the summer--horse dancing. "Rafalca, owned by Mrs Mitt Romney, was impeccably behaved … [Read more...]
I contend that it is not. And so, I offer other winter biathlon possibilities: 0. Cross country skiing and rifle. This is the status quo. 1. Ski jumping and snow bombing. Four iterations. You go off the … [Read more...]
CHICAGO OUT as Olympic Site…
Chicago is out of the running as an Olympic site after being eliminated in the first round of voting. I think the Obama Administration should have gotten better vote count intelligence before having a US President and First Lady put in this … [Read more...]
“Convenient and sufficient access to the Internet”
That's what the Chinese government has said it is willing to supply foreign journalists covering the Beijing Olympics. But, of course, the Chinese government itself will determine what is "sufficient." Bottom line: [A] … [Read more...]