Does he now realize that corporate welfare will not generate significant job growth, but a strong healthy working/middle class will? In this letter to Congress, President Obama is urging "swift action on several critical priorities … [Read more...]
Obama or Bust: We Need Leadership from the Top
If you look at any of the 24X7 news shows or even the Today Show, you will see everyone proclaiming that there is an anti-incumbent mood spreading across America. There is good reason to say that as evidenced by the size of Tea Party … [Read more...]
National Tragedy Demands Real Response
Shared national experiences are pretty powerful things. Although one can't really compare a terrorist attack on our nation to a mechanical failure that causes catastrophic loss, the experience of communal mourning is still … [Read more...]
The petitions, rallies, e-mails and letters from around the country are sending a loud and clear message of broad support. The NRDC Action Fund has worked tirelessly to urge the Senate to stand up for a strong clean energy and climate bill. … [Read more...]
BREAKING NEWS: President Obama in Afghanistan!
President Obama is in Afghanistan Initial reports are that this was a surprise visit, and his focus is both on supporting good governance there, such as the judicial system, rule of law, and rooting out corrpution AND building a … [Read more...]
Mr. President, can we afford to be misled about this?
The Boston Globe is reporting today that operators of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant lied to "misled" Vermont officials about the leak of the radioactive isotope tritium from the plant in 2005.Granted, the technology involved in … [Read more...]
Transcript – Pres.Obama’s NH Town Meeting
Q Hi. I'm Judy Loftus. I teach at Nashua South High School. (Applause.) I teach in the careers and education program, and that's a career and technical program that prepares students for lives working -- … [Read more...]
Obama to hold Town Hall in Nashua NH on 2/2/10
Forwarded to assist NH Citizen's alliance - Deb Date: Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 9:41 PM Subject: Town Hall with Obama in Nashua on Tuesday! To: AmberPaw dot Sorry for the short notice, but we have just learned that President Obama will … [Read more...]
Pres. Obama: Citizens United “strikes at our democracy itself”
President Obama's weekly address today blasted the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision in the Citizens United case that struck down the McCain-Feingold restrictions on corporate spending in elections. In overruling the Austin v. Michigan Chamber … [Read more...]
Wall Street is whining and threatening.
Of course they are going to say that Obama's proposal to place limits on risk taking will ruin the economy. Don't believe it for a second. It's a lie. By limiting risk taking, Wall Street will have to go back to the old … [Read more...]