Though Donald Trump has been a gift that keeps on giving to millionaires and billionaires, the Globe has an article on how billionaire Seth Klarman is now giving money to Democrats. Klarman's reasoning is... "The Republicans in Congress … [Read more...]
Here’s why Massachusetts voters should say NNYY on November 8 ballot questions
The country will decide who our next president will be on November 8th, but Massachusetts voters will also make decisions on ballot questions that will have a significant impact locally. Here's why I will vote #NNYY next Tuesday. No On … [Read more...]
Lifting the Charter School Cap: A Look at the Numbers
I read this story about a civil rights lawsuit being used as an end-run around the legislature and their increasingly-skeptical constituents to raise the charter school cap. I decided to put my feelings aside and take a hard look at the … [Read more...]
EDUCATION conference, that is
Got to go back to headline writing school... … [Read more...]
Conference Oct. 16 of interest to BMG-ers (and others) concerned about public education
CITIZENS FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS ISSUES CONFERENCE: "Taking Back Our Schools: Promoting Equity and Excellence in Public Education." Rep. Carl Sciortino, Melissa Colon, (Gaston Institute), Jose Lopez (co-chair Boston Coalition for Quality … [Read more...]
For Neighborhood Schools in Boston
Whenever the idea of neighborhood schools is floated, the progressive community gets all up in arms about the resegregation of the Boston Public Schools. News Flash: resegregation has already been accomplished. White people have voted … [Read more...]
Ending MCAS as a Graduation Requirement
On the campaign trail in the 2nd Franklin District, as a Democratic candidate for State Rep, I have met many voters who have asked me about the MCAS Program and what I feel about the process being looked at and revamped. I am a strong … [Read more...]
Tell Your Legislator What You Think!
Today Secretary Arne Duncan announced the 16 applicants who are finalists of the first phase of the Race to the Top competition and Massachusetts is one of them. Let's keep up the momentum, Massachusetts! Stand for Children, the … [Read more...]
Gov. Patrick Stands Up for Victims of Bullying
Political consultant Tony Cignoli was visiting a local senior center when he happened to hear a drive time AM radio talk show host ask the Governor about bullying. Cignoli was moved to e-mail fellow Patrick supporters about the governor's … [Read more...]
Do you care about public education?
Please sign a petition asking President-elect Barack Obama to appoint Linda Darling-Hammond as Secretary of Education. Here's the link to the petition: We in the US are always giving lip service to … [Read more...]