by Kade Crockford As researcher Darryl Li points out, most of the Wikileaks Gitmo dump consists of US intelligence “’detainee assessments’ that reveal more about the inner fantasy world of the US intelligence apparatus than who the … [Read more...]
Detroit unemployment hits 28.9% – and Michigan still requires ZERO financial disclosure
Detroit unemployment means that nearly 3 in 10 in Detroit need a job. Pause for a moment, and imagine what local life would be like if nearly 3 in 10 needed a job in Boston, or Lowell, or Springfield. It may be that part of the … [Read more...]
ACLU Obama scorecard for first 100 days
So far, Obama's score is -1.5. Details here: … [Read more...]
Obama scores low so far on “Restoring the Rule of Law” Scorecard
UPDATE We now have an update for Obama's first 100 days: … [Read more...]
Fusion Center run amok? Who knows? Not you.
Everything secret degenerates, even the administration of justice; nothing is safe that does not show how it can bear discussion and publicity. - Lord Acton … [Read more...]
Charley is right – torture on the basis of mere accusation is a lot like the Salem Witch Trials
The term "witch hunt" comes from the Salem Witch Trials by the Court of Oyer and Terminer. What many may not know is that one of the judges on that court, Judge Samuel Sewall, publicly repented of sending 30 men and women to be hung, two of … [Read more...]
Supreme Court of the United States [SCOTUS] Blog –
First, here is the link: This site has the best on site analysis of pending USSCT cases, as well as links to the actual briefs, dockets, transcripts, findings, and hot off the press decisions. Somehow, I … [Read more...]
War crimes conference in Andover this weekend
Laura Rótolo, Attorney and Human Rights Fellow for the ACLU of Massachusetts, will take part in a conference this weekend called The Justice Robert Jackson Conference on the Planning for Prosecution of High Level American War Criminals. … [Read more...]
Presidential Candidates and signing statements, pre-emptive war, and more!
On signing statements, the differences are also huge. For example, John McCain believes that the president is not above the law; Mitt Romney believes the president IS above the law. Republican John McCain says that if he is elected … [Read more...]
Dear DSS: Adoption is no cure-all – especially when the system is BROKEN
In 2001, I was assigned by a judge to represent two girls, ages 8 and 10. The parental rights of their mother and father were terminated - in New York. New York sent these girls across state lines to be adopted at ages 2 and … [Read more...]