Last week, President Trump and the Republicans in Washington came dangerously close to taking health insurance away from tens of millions of Americans. Millions more would have lost coverage for preexisting conditions or seen their premiums … [Read more...]
It’s time to make health care a human right in Massachusetts
Governor Baker has received much credit for his vocal opposition to TrumpCare and national efforts by Republicans to repeal and replace ObamaCare with inhumane health care “fixes.” Unfortunately for Massachusetts residents, Governor Baker’s … [Read more...]
Mass about to lose leadership status
Our Commonwealth has always been in the vanguard when it comes to improving the lot of Americans, for example: - The Revolution started here - First to abolish slavery, and declare blacks and whites equal, and became the hub of the … [Read more...]
Sen Brown becomes a liberal on health care
We may finally learn which path works best in this nation. In this state we have mandatory coverage with subsidies for those who can not afford the going rate(although by offering lesser care for the lower cost). In Vermont they are moving … [Read more...]
MA Medicaid Chief: “maybe a single payer would be better”
From Sunday's Herald: "I like the market, but the more and more I stay in it, the more and more I think that maybe a single payer would be better," said Terry Dougherty, director of MassHealth - the state-run Medicaid plan that insures … [Read more...]
Is it time?: Vermont going single payer
Newly elected Vermont Governor Shumelin is moving the state towards single payer. He formed a consulting group headed by Dr. William Hsaio, chief designer of the Taiwan health plan. The latter runs at a cost of 6% of GNP and … [Read more...]
Vermont wants single-payer
The state would need to obtain a waiver from Obamacare, which may be a problem. Under the current law, however, Vermont would have to wait until 2017 to get the waiver that would allow the state to set up its own system. "It doesn't make … [Read more...]
Mass. Doctors Snub State Health Reform As Model for Country, Pick Single Payer
The Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS) yesterday released its annual Physician Workforce Study (a survey of 1,000 practicing physicians in the state), which, as in recent years, showed very serious shortages in primary care. However, … [Read more...]
Harvard Pilgrim’s Medicare Bailout & Health Care “Competition”
Medicare Advantage plans were created in 2003 under George W. Bush and a Republican majority in both houses of Congress to privatize Medicare: it allowed seniors to choose a private insurance company to manage their Medicare benefits … [Read more...]
Direct non-violent action for single payer
Mobilization for Health Care for All News Coverage … [Read more...]