How can we take advantage of the furor over income inequality and increase state revenues by taxing the 1%? David informs me (see first comment) that the Massachusetts constitution calls for a single income tax rate for everyone! Raising … [Read more...]
Two unrelated things that really are related
At the end of last week Charlie posted a column about our relatively high tax inequity in relation to that of other states. At the same time progressivemax posted notice of the first general meeting of Massachusetts Democrats for Reform … [Read more...]
Taxation in Massachusetts
Hi All: While sifting through the channels on TV while watching my twin sons a few weeks ago, I came across something very interesting. There was a program length commercial on for Montel's pressure cooker. It wouldn't have … [Read more...]
Just so you know, the Mass House is broadcasting live again tonight, 4/28/09
Here is the link again: Consolidated amendments are flying down the shute - so far no surprises, though. I believe $200 million was added to local aid from the anticipated revenues from the … [Read more...]
Some musings about what government is FOR, with POLL!
As one of the wealthiest states in the wealthiest nation the reality that a local motel has 75 families, one to a room, with more than 150 children between them nauseates me. As to what government is "supposed to do" here is a first pass at … [Read more...]
Reverse the curse – that is the only way to eliminate the 9C cuts and take care of the vulnerable
To find out what I mean by "reverse the curse" you will have to read to the end. No shortcuts, please! What "9C" describes is a law that Massachusetts must have a balanced budget at all times. Unlike the Federal Government, … [Read more...]
2.7 Billion in tax revenue collected in April – 1.1 billion over “benchmark” for the year
Also, Secretary Kirwan ignored the soaring rates and costs of incarceration. As some may recall, I posted about that here: As a state, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts spends more on incarceration … [Read more...]
MPA Local Tax Option Revisited
Only 25% of the amount collected would be directed into a fund earmarked to reimburse towns for property tax abatements. Towns already impose a higher rate of property tax on commercial property. So it would seem that towns that … [Read more...]
Hidden agenda surfaces in the Globe, part one
The tax cutters! "Seniors are our first line of defense against overrides," said Barbara Anderson of Citizens for Limited Taxation. "Senior citizens are defeating these overrides, and they are trying to give them a reason not to vote." I've … [Read more...]
Where are the ghosts of Massachusetts Past when Scrooge McMassachusetts needs them?
The size and difficulty of the fights I have had in trying to get residential care for children who were psychotic, who really really needed that level of care have dramatically increased each year [except for some hopeful signs of change … [Read more...]