The state’s new anti-bullying legislation might need to be expanded to restrain Baker campaign manager Lenny Alcivar – who has launched an all-out twitter assault on Cahill daughters Makena (25) and Nicole (22) Here’s a … [Read more...]
Baker: “No rail for you!”
Charlie Baker made a rare visit to the SouthCoast Wednesday and unwisely used his time to deride the SouthCoast rail project and mock its supporters in the region for wanting to become ‘a spoke of Boston.’Remember this is the … [Read more...]
Cahill: Tisei Not Baker’s First Choice
In an interview with NECN's Jim Braude, Tim Cahill talks about how the Baker camp went all out to convince him to become Charlie's running mate. Braude asks Cahill to recount the specific conversation, to which Cahill replies: … [Read more...]
Is Charlie Baker in trouble? “Cahill Rejects Baker’s offer to be # 2”
Many massachusetts republicans are wondering whether Charlie Baker is a RINO (Republican In Name Only). This is after it came to light that Baker over the last several years had been a major donor to Democatic Office Holders like … [Read more...]
One-Term Deval, and poor Tim Cahill – WITH POLL
Cahill, thinking he couldn't make any inroads against the liberal activists in the party, left the friendly confines of the Democrats. Suddenly, every suburban progressive, angry about the erosion of state support for their neighborhood … [Read more...]
LeftAhead! Podcast: Bizarre Politicians and How to Cure ‘Em
Today, on LeftAhead, Lynne, Mike and I chatted about four sets of politicians on the national, state and local levels who have made rash, illegal, unacceptable and/or bizarre decisions. We discussed Sarah Palin and her problems in Alaska, … [Read more...]
Cahill: The Gambler
For once, I agreed with Tufts poli sci prof Jeff Berry, who was on 'BUR this morning expressing skepticism for Tim Cahill's independent play.Consider: He's got $3 million in his campaign chest already. Good for him. A strong … [Read more...]
Cahill under the spotlight again and under the gun With Poll!
Now I know that Governor Patrick appears to have made missteps and we certainly can point to his political advisors for some poor choices and serious missteps. Marion Walsh should certainly be put on Doug Rubins score card and Sal Dimasi … [Read more...]
Timid Tim
State Treasurer Tim Cahill is still trying to figure out which way the wind is blowing regarding the recent Globe story on the 10 former lawmakers with the "special" pensions. Maybe he's afraid of offending the Legislature when he makes his … [Read more...]
Predatory Gambling Podcast
Les Bernal, head of and Sen. Susan Clark's former Chief of Staff, joined the LeftAhead crew today to talk about just why predatory gambling is both bad policy and extremely dangerous. More on the show here, or … [Read more...]