Turner Broadcasting did indeed step up to the plate. Both our daily papers are reporting a $2,000,000.00 settlement, with somewhat differing details.Boston Herald StoryBoston Globe storyBoth articles quote a $2,000,000.00 settlement … [Read more...]
A profile of Peter Berdovsky from 2006
While doing research on another topic, I came across a profile of Peter Berdovsky doine in 2006. I think it provides perspective, so here is the link:Much of his artwork is deeply introverted, hauntingly nostalgic with an overriding … [Read more...]
Governor Patric Issues Press Release about Turner Broadcasting
I do think Turner should pay back 100% of the out of pocket costs of all governments dealing with the issue of removal and investigation of these devices. I do not think the two guys who are supposed to be paid $300 each to put up 40 … [Read more...]
War of the Worlds it wasn’t; thoughts on a Boston Media Frenzy
Turner Broadcasting captured the Boston Media yesterday. How? By hiring a young performance artist to put up "lite brite" sculptures of cartoon characters making rude gestures. What concerns me is that these electronic … [Read more...]
War of the Worlds it wasn’t; thoughts on a Boston Media Frenzy
Turner Broadcasting captured the Boston Media yesterday. How? By hiring a young performance artist to put up "lite brite" sculptures of cartoon characters making rude gestures. What concerns me is that these electronic … [Read more...]
New State House Web Cast facility
If you go to http://housetv.hou.s... there is a click window for gavel to gavel coverage of the State House, House of Representatives anyway. There is no more cable coverage.Supposedly, the House Committee on Abuse and Neglect will … [Read more...]
Maybe I do not understand campaign accounts
I just found out that $250,000 from Thomas Finneran's campaign finance account went for legal fees to fight his indictment for perjury and obstructing justice. See http://news.bostonhe...First, I did not know that my political … [Read more...]
REPAIR THE STATE HOUSE NOW!One of the first places visited by Japanese, Russian, South Korean, or any business executives from other countries when they come to Massachusetts to discuss business or attend conventions is the State … [Read more...]
Patrick asks Department Heads to provide plans for Cuts
2. Our roads and bridges are crunmbling around us.3. Our higher education system is so poorly funded, we are 47th in the nation and one of only two states with no public law school [I say this as a Michigan native where … [Read more...]
Gutsy group of legislators fights back
A group of gutsy legislators has filed a motion seeking sanctions pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11(b). See: http://www.prnewswir...= The gutsy legislators who are fighting this chilling attack on their … [Read more...]